Its amazing how some people who do not know each other can hate each other. So much so to the extent that they can muster the courage to kill them? Just like soldiers in war - They have not been offended by the other party but were just ordered to kill, so they listen and do exactly. But on the other hand, strangers can become great friends too! And I've witnessed this right at my very own gym BNM (: 5 groups of people with totally different occupation and background became close buddies and together, we went to Rebel as a BNM "thing" for the first time! =D
My lovely girlfriend was there too. And after we've been together for about 2 years, that night was the first time i went to a club with her! She doesn't club, and neither do I. And god, i have to say this - SHE CAN DANCE LIKE A HOT GIRL MAN! You know how guys lose the flame for their girlfriends after they're together for quite some time? Mine is a different case altogether i tell you. My sweetheart is constantly making me fall in love with her over and over again. That night was truly one hell of a night.
I don't have the photos now, will upload them tonight after tennis or tomorrow (:
BRYANK(: $ It's no longer just me, its us. Currently pursuing a diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management at Temasek Polytechnic (Will be continuing into the 4th year) I tend to look on the negative side of life, not talk when there are many people around, and i am really a fan of good food.
If you are looking for a mahjong leg, please call me. If you are looking for someone to party, i am not free.