Thursday, May 28, 2009
School has just started not long ago and suddenly its holiday already! =D
3 weeks of holiday doesnt make much of a difference actually cos i only have sch on tues and weds.
And during these 3 weeks doesnt mean that i have nothing to do man.
I have to quickly start on the project for my CDS.
Then finish up my 5000 words report for contemp issues.
Last but not least,
I have to work closely with steph to get our gaming project started.
The other groupmates all cmi man.
But cannot blame them also la,
Cos we know their pattern likdat but still purposely choose to group with them.
The month of june .. What to expect?
- 8:18:00 PM;
Sunday, May 17, 2009
To dream that you break up with your significant other, indicates that there is something in your life that you need to let go no matter how hard it may be.
To dream that you did not break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend, suggests that you are still in denial about the break-up. Your mind many not have accepted the notion that the relationship is over.
To dream that you are getting a divorce, indicates that you need to differentiate between things in your life and prioritize them. Perhaps you need to separate yourself from some issue or some aspect of yourself. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you have a fear of separation or fear of being alone. You may be unsatisfied with your present relationship.� Divorce dreams may reflect real-life events and the stress that it brings. You may be wondering if you have made a mistake in some situation or decision Divorce dreams suggest a transitional phase or a time to change your old habits.
- 2:30:00 PM;
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The title of this post is: Malaysian Police Bribery
I've just checked my passport only to find out that for the past 6 months, i've traveled in and out of Malaysia a total of 124 times. Never have i ever encountered a Malaysian police who stopped me, never. Well, today i just got stopped by 1, not because i was speeding though, cause i made an illega U-Turn.
And guess what? I was not the one who initiated the method to solve this issue you know? He was hinting me that the offence carries a penalty of 300RM 300RM 300RM !!! He just kept repeating it over and over again. I know what he meant, but i wasn't really sure about bribing a police. Moreover, i don't have much cash with me.
Well, ended up i took out my wallet and "suggests" that i pay part of the fine first. He agreed with a smiley face. But to his horror, never did he expect that i only have RM18 with me! LOL !! So he was already very sad and disappointed with the amount of money that i have, but he thought, well RM18 is better than nothing.
Wait .. Thats not all .. I did not give him all the money because i still had to go for supper. So ended up i only bribed him with RM10 !! LOL !! Just look at how easy it is to handle this kinda stuff man. First time in my life, last time i ever want this to happen.
Experience rating: 8/10 =D
- 2:00:00 AM;
Friday, May 15, 2009
My darling called me a few days ago and complained that my blog is really dead.
So here i am, updating again, this time not with screenshots of O2Mania,
but rather, with what is going on with my life.
I failed yet another module, and this time i'm super unlucky.
this particular module that i failed is only offered in semester2,
which means that i can only take it next semester,
which also means that my SIP will only come after that.
Which finally means that i have officially entered year 5.1 -.-!
So i only have school on tues from 8am-10am,
and weds from 9am-4pm.
First 2 weeks of school was okayyyyy..
But i've been slacking my ass off for the rest of the week.
Was looking around for a job, and considering working with Chonghui at Sentosa LUGE.
Luckily Sheena helped me tell my uncle that i was looking for a job,
So he called me to ask if i wanna work at his gym.
Of cos i said yes! Having a job is way better than slacking at home everyday doing nothing.
The gym is a Muay Thai gym, not those fitness gyms like California Fitness.
They offer a wide array of training packages catered specially for Muay Thai.
There is a washroom for you to shower,
2 competition size boxing rings,
2 plasma TVs, 1 LCD TV, 2 computers, 2 Nintendo Wii and lots of games to keep you entertained.
Overall its a really great place to work out and chill.
Work there is okay, but i'm like picking up the pieces of shit left over by the lazy bum before me.
So now everyday have to stay back after work till 10+ just to clear the things for the day,
Bot forgetting that i've yet to clear those dirt left by him.
Please at least visit this website:
See what we have to offer,
And come try out a session just for fun!
Trail session for students is only $5 for 90mins so why wait?!
Call me if you're interested okay?
Or drop me an email (:
Take care people,
and my sweet<3
- 1:49:00 AM;
Friday, May 01, 2009

Alright, this is not very amazing because i didnt get a full combo but hey, its my first time passing it man. I dont know how i do it, but some of my fingers cramp already =p Next time i'll poast a full combo of this song, if possible. (:
- 8:44:00 PM;

This is seriously imba already. Bride In Dream Full Combo @ Normal Mode 11 stars xD
Max Combo: 902
Cool: 887
Good: 16
Bad: 0
Miss: 0
Score: 334490
It took me a million tries to get this right man. But still can improve. I wanna play till i have all cool and none good or bad or miss (:
- 8:34:00 PM;