Thursday, October 16, 2008
When you are faced with a problem and you have many solutions to it, pick the one that requires the least amount of effort to execute. Pick the one that has the least "What if(s)" UNTIL a concrete and definite evidence or reason comes your way that says STOP! this is the wrong solution, pick another one.
There are many religions out there that carries different values and beliefs, but are they really different? Or are they actually the same, but interpreted differently?
Science proves that we humans morphed from an ape, walked on 4 and eventually walked on 2. Whereas religion says that we humans are made by gods, or in the case of Christianity, God. Well, here is a possibility that i want to reveal to people out there who are devoted worshipers of God, and in my opinion, stupidly giving their hard earned money away to religious organizations every week. Have you ever thought that ALIENS do exists? I know this sounds irrational and illogical, but who is to say that aliens have not been to earth? Who is to say that God does exist? Are we just going to pound everything on that simple word - FAITH? Or is it just a word we humans create, as an excuse for people to believe in what they want us to believe. Here's my part of the story that i currently choose to believe in.
6000 years ago, electricity already existed. In the dark alleys of pyramids in Egypt, scientists have found carvings on walls showing that the people were carrying a long huge tube that showed similar resemblance to that of a light bulb. And they did find containers that were capable of producing electricity of about half a volt. We may be thinking, what can half a volt do? But what we should really be thinking is, why do they need half a volt for? How were the Egyptians able to carve writings on the walls without lights? Some say they used a fire torch, some say they used lamps. But evidence shows that there is no sign of burn fuel residue or burn particles in the surrounding air that was present 6000 years ago at the point in time where the carvings were made. If then, how were they able to do so much in pitch darkness? Could it be light bulbs?
There are many other examples and questions that can be asked like how did the ancient people really build a pyramid? How were they able to use such simple tools to make something so big and huge? Did they receive help from some other sources? A theory goes like this: Aliens descended to Earth 6000 years ago and they grew found of the things they found on Earth. They see the pathetic state that we are in, and decided to help us, by bringing us to the next level of evolution. Thus, from the 4 legs that we had, they mated with us, and then mated with our offspring, and mated with the offspring of our offspring, and EVENTUALLY you get us, they current state that we are in, the human species. All our knowledge, all our abilities to think, to analyze, predict, assume, believe, all our emotions, are combination of a mere ape and an extraterrestrial. As ridiculous as this may sound, it MAY be true.
Aliens visit Earth once in awhile, for some reasons that are still unknown and has yet to be assumed why, mate with us and made use of us for their own benefit. They used us to build structures like the pyramids for them to land their spaceships on and do not be surprised, that they are actually very fond of gold. That is why you see that gold seems to be the object that our ancestors use to offer to the gods, which is actually the aliens. But then we may also wonder, why do we need to pray to them? Why are we worshiping them and believing in them? For what reason? Another theory explains that the aliens come in very small numbers. With such small numbers, they are unable to accomplish much, UNLESS we help them. Therefore, because they mate with our ancestors, and then take care of us for some period of time, we naturally grow to like them and do as we are told.
Did you know that if you combine all the Pyramids in Egypt together, part of it is in the exact position as the planets in the solar system? You start counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.. All their positions, angles, distances, are in exact scale to the 9 planets that we know of in the solar system. Assuming that yeah maybe our ancestors 6000 years ago had the strength to move huge boulders across long distances, and that is how we get our pyramid today. But then again, which such low level of technology at that point in time, how were they able to build these pyramids in such exact locations as to look like the 9 planets? Well, the aliens told them to do so. But then again, you count the pyramids, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! 11! 12! and there's more? How do we explain that? Could it be that there are more than 9 planets in our solar system? Could it be that our solar system is actually considered as a "planet" and that there are 8 other solar systems out there, each consisting of 9 planets that make up another solar system? Which is why there are more than 9 pyramids? What would we get if NASA tried following the pyramids and venture off into space towards the direction of the 10th pyramid. Will we get a 10th planet? Who knows?
You guys know about the big spider and big condor in Peru? (I'll post a pic later.) How were our ancestors able to draw such huge diagram with mere simple tools? A scientist once tried to draw an identical picture using purely a compass, white powder, strings and some nails (which were the simplest tools that were available 650 years ago.) He could not get the diagram right the first few times, no matter how accurately he measured and drew. Finally, after much practices, he got the diagram right, the lines were straight, the curves were curved. He proved that those pictures can be drawn with simple tools, but years later, another man proved him wrong. If you look at the diagrams in Peru carefully, the lines are not really THAT straight, and the spider is not actually symmetrical. How can it not be symmetrical and how can the lines not be straight if they had used tools to guide them? Or did an UFO actually hover over that area shining a picture down to guide our ancestors to draw it? If so, why did our ancestors draw those diagrams? Maybe they drew it to attract the attention of the aliens hoping that they will return to earth? Who knows?
Let's assume that Jesus do exist, and his wonders and miracles are true. Could he be just the lucky one that is one level of evolution higher than us? Could it be that the aliens knew where and when to stop mating with us so that we are not morphed into such powerful creatures that will in turn dominate them, but there is one lustful and desperate alien that could not resist himself and mate once more with his offspring? And because we did not see and were not told of how aliens mate, who knows that maybe penis and vagina penetration is not what they do? Perhaps they have some ability that puts us to sleep and magically get our women pregnant by injecting some form of fluid into our body? Which explains why the bible said talked about virgin mary, which may not be a virgin just because joseph did not see it and mary did not feel it happening at all.
You know, perhaps aliens really did come to Earth and created humans by mating with apes and the offsprings. Then made use of us to create Pyramids as their place of gathering (you do know that some names of pyramids are translated to be a place of gathering for the gods), a place for them to land their spaceships, and to manupilate us to dig for gold for them so that they can bring back to their planet for god knows what reason. And when they're done collecting enough gold, they go back to where they came from and never come back again. And during the time that they care here on Earth, they had to make us believe in them and worship them like they're our gods. And when they're gone, the people find no reason to linger around Egypt anymore and thus scattered all over the Earth, creating many other civilizations, inventing their own language and cultures to their liking. Some other religions may come from other alien landing sites which belonged to some other groups of aliens with another different set of beliefs. All our knowledge and wisdom, our evolution, our current stage of development and level of technology, we owe them to the ETs. Again, as rediculous and illogical as this may sound, it MAY be true!
Currently i choose to believe in this theory, rather than listen to some money sucking pastors telling you to thithe faithfully, until a concrete or definite evidence or reason that tells me no, that is not true. Which in this case, can only be God coming to Earth himself telling me that he exists, OR the aliens coming to Earth themselves telling me that they did not come to Earth 6000 years ago.

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Monday, October 13, 2008
Whoo~ Holidays are almost over already. Decided to change my blogskin before school starts, hoping that this will really create a new chapter, for a new start, a new beginning. When school starts, it'll also be the dreadful days of A levels for Pepper. She seems so afraid of the exams and lack the confidence in herself. And i always think to myself, how badly can the top student of IJC do? (she'll kill me for saying this but i still wanna say it!) Have faith darling, you will do well (:
It's been about a month since my house is just left with my sister and I, and it has never been more peaceful and better than the days i'm enjoying at home now. I no longer need find excuses to stay out so that i don't have to come home to a moody gloomy environment. When i have time, i choose to stay home nowadays, play mahjong, watch tv, cook dinner for myself, sometimes Pepper will pop by for a visit, how great is this man?
Anyway, as my screen is a 22" widescreen flatpanel, the pages i view may be quite different from some others, so please give me feedback if there are things that are not viewable on my new blogskin alright? Sebas is helping me out when i have problems with it so i guess it should turn out just fine. For those having their intership now, PERSERVERE! For those who're enjoying holidays or have nothing to do, CALL ME FOR MAHJONG!
- 6:37:00 PM;