Saturday, September 27, 2008
When i got home last night i was feeling really tired and sleepy, as much as i wanted to watch naruto, i had to get some sleep first. I thought i could slp all the way but i woke up arnd 3am feeling really hungry. Called sebastian to go for some ass pounding BCM (if you guys can guess what this shit is haha) and then we were talking so much crapped that really brightened my day. He also introduced to me the most recent sex topic in singapore - Sun Tan.
At first when he mentioned the name i didnt really catch it cause i couldnt get what it meant. Until i reached home and he sent me the link so i went to take a GOOD LOOK at wth is going on in Singapore that i have yet to come to know about (i think i'm really noob cos this topic has been going on for weeks already! goes to show that i really need to cultivate the habit of reading a black and white, A1 sized paper consisting of boring paragraghs of words in Times New Roman, which in the end leaves ink stains on your fingers as you flip through the papers.) When i saw the name Sun Tan, i was thinking, why TAN? Why not Sun Yan Zi or Pastor Sun from City Harvest man? lol i mean, it would really be much more interesting and creating an even bigger uproar if it were to be them right? Perhaps they do have sex tapes you know, but yet to be leaked out, YET. haha
It appears that the ex-bf hacked into suntan's email and used her account to post the pictures to different websites to circulate them round the net. And then the same email account was used to ask those websites to remove the vids, pics and posts. contradicting right? Haha this is why those websites are feeling abit giddy from all the pushing arnd by that email account. HOWEVER, non of them has removed it yet. I mean, who in the right frame of mind would remove posts, pics, and vids that are so popular and brings readers to your websites? It would be stupid to do so.
You guys can try to search for the videos yourselves cause i'm not gonna continue circulating them. The most i can do is to mention about it to create more awareness. =x Suntan is below average looking, not horrendous though. Her body is quite tanned and overall i would say it isnt really that interesting. Its those kinda vids whereby you wanna view it cause its the hot topic at the moment and you feel that you lose out if you dont see. But after you see it you wont wanna view it again. As compared to Tammy's videos, they're arnd the same - BORING.
- 7:07:00 AM;
Friday, September 26, 2008
A few weeks back it was my granny's birthday, all the family members gathered together to celebrate for her. Took many pictures but all in Carynn's cam and she haven send me -.-! Anw here's wad i got ~
And last weekend Sheena invited us to the Singapore Flyer cos she has free tickets from Sony Ericsson (: The ride was okay bah, nothing much to see when you already know wads arnd you. But when i put myself in the shoes of the visitors i can understand they MIGHT feel excited and happy bah. What is more exciting and "shuang" is the period of time before the ride. Know why? Haha. We had 1 whole cabin all to ourselves. We see everyone else queueing up and waiting for at least 30mins for the ride BUT we took the VIP path and walked straight in to the ride. lol quite funny. And that marcus ah.. Candice Candice i tot who.. Chey yuan lai shi ta. lol =x And once again, Sheena and Carynn nvr send the photos over. zzz

Wa sian ..

Gan Sian .. Why every pic oso got him -.-!

Before boarding the ride

My Nai Nai

View of Marina side

View of F1 track

Another angle of F1 track

Our Ritz Carlton and Millenia walk

Find Esplanade!

Sebas play play play

Play somemore la!

Whoa got 2 loving couples in the glass ><

She forever only got 1 type of smile leh.

See I told you right?
- 5:28:00 AM;

Look at all the LG staff! =D

Got Peggy no need Wendy already haha

Our wonderful LG booth

The three big bosses!


The AhBeng really helped us alot. If not for him we last day no need go home already.

After Sentosa .. to Brewerks ..

My camera sucks

You see Lyndy now .. And you see her later in the last pic ..

15mins after drinking .. They high already -.-!

YO my KungFu Panda ^^

ChongHui - 23year old girl with MOLE

AWESOME! darling right? ^^

You all ownself see wads on the table hor, i dun wanna say much.
- 4:18:00 AM;
Thursday, September 04, 2008
COMEX 2008
The most recent it fair was held at Suntec Convention Centre
Same as the last time, Sebas and i were in charge of the redemption booth
It was really great to be able to work with him cause when the 2 of us get tgt its nvr boring!
Luckily khor changed the other person in the booth from Wendy to Peggy.
Peggy is quite good, unlike Wendy,
She nvr makes any mistake in redemption stuff,
She will report for work on time, or earlier!
She will help you buy food and drinks when requested,
Most imptly, she is nice to bully!
Haha sebas said she sings very well, i agree to that too (:
Then there was 2 flyer distributor guys,
The most hardworking that i've ever seen till now.
Usually ppl take some flyers to distribute, then after that slack.
BUT these 2 guys take flyers after flyers after flyers,
And everytime i go check on them, they are there giving out flyers.
Plus the 'engineers' as well. Report to work early, go home late, get low pay -.-!
Where to find these kinda workers man? haha
I met yicheng and liangzhi at the show too,
They were working for Compaq.
Catch up with each other for a little while den went back to work already.
Ytd went to Sentosa with Sebas and his friends (Senifer, blin, chua, jessica, another girl)
And my friends (XinChyr, Lyndy, Regine, ChongHui)
Intended to suntan but there was no sun!
Why is this always happening to me man?
Instead we played captain's ball and vball tgt.
Had loads of fun, senifer was like a thousand hand buddha,
Able to block any ball that comes,
And Lyndy got so upset cos she couldnt catch any balls.
Haha super funny.
After that we went Food Republic to eat,
Then meet Chin and went Clarke Quay Brewerks for a drink.
Had 1 tower of IPA and 1 jug Sex on The Beach.
Didn't manage to finish all cause IPA was really disgusting.
Lyndy puked all over the table while we went to liang court mac to buy supper.
Damn funny la, she got drunk after half a cup,
Her face was .. .. .. nvm .. haha
We should hang out like this more often man,
Even when SIP starts (:
Oh ya forgot to mention,
We had a mahjong game that day,
Regine won $43!!! Urghh.. I won $20 and Chin practically left $6 in his drawer.
lol damn funny la ><
I'll upload the pictures later (:
- 2:56:00 PM;