Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PC Show 2008 just ended. This time didn't work as a promoter but as the person-in-charge for LG Redemption booth tgt with Sebas (: We did a lot of funny stuff, mean stuff, and WRONG stuff too =x But we both enjoyed it very much didn't we? Haha look at sebas and his funny pose in the booth!
Huilin just had her wedding celebration this week though she got married 5 years ago. And there's a picture which i took with my mum (: Didn't take much photos at the wedding cause i didn't sleep the night before and was super tired.
Now have to do DPD ppt on Egypt and i swear it's killing me already okay. Grr!!!
- 12:08:00 AM;
Saturday, June 07, 2008

Yay darling is coming back in 7hours and 30mins!!!
Finally after such a long wait i'll be able to see her (:
So recently celebrated Krishan's birthday at East Coast
Early in the night ask us to drink already
Then RenShan said smth like ask me to eat her backside O.o
Aaron got drunk pretty early
So did wenjun and and ruiyin had to send her some early
Chin was another ass, drink until so high
Poured vodka into my nose -.-!
Krish oso quite drunk
Pour vodka like plain water
When i was fast asleep lots of funny things happened
Dinesh had a ripe mango between his legs
Oh man oh man .. There're just too many things to say
Lets just look at the pictures ->
- 4:33:00 PM;
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Dear Bryan Kheh,
Thank you for your RSVP!
Here’s an invite for you and a friend to come to The Fetish Finals!
Terms & Conditions:
1) This invite admits TWO ONLY
2) This invite is STRICTLY non-transferrable
3) Entry is STRICTLY by invitation only
4) Only the above mentioned person in this email is able to register at the door
5) Names not found on our guestlist will be refused entry
6) Cameras are prohibited at the event
Please bring along a printed copy of this email to gain entry and exchange for your beer vouchers (while stock lasts). Registration begins at 7:30pm.
Staff of MediaCorp Pte Ltd (Publishing) reserves the right to refuse entry at the door if any terms and conditions stated above are not followed.
See you on Friday!

I used my other email account to send rsvp at FHM for tickets to St James for the GND2008 party and i totally forgot to check my other email!? How retarded can i get?!?!! I missed the party!? BRYAN YOU SUCK!
- 2:09:00 AM;