Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I just woke up from a deeeeep sleep man
So long nvr attend full day's of school le
Den ytd suddenly attend all lectures and tutorials from 9 to 6
And i was totally drained of my energy i tell you
My muscles were aching like mad
My head was spinning
I felt like i was about to have fever
and i took 2 panadols before going to bed at 11pm
Slept all the way till now 11am
And i'm not exactly feeling very recharged right now
lol i think i need some time to get used to it
- 11:15:00 AM;
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Just finished Mahjong with Chin Peggy and WeiTing
Won $11, played 2 rounds, 10c 20c..
Uber tiring day cos last night only managed to slp for 3hours
Everyone is tired actually.. Everyone slept late last night.
Shall quickly get to my point and go bath and slp le.
Today we had our SIP briefing from 10am - 1pm
I thought SIP is just a simple attachment,
Just get it over and done with
But i was wrong
It is much more than that
SIP is something that is gonna affect my opportunities and luck in the future
SIP is going to determine what i'm gonna learn that will benifit me in 5 months
SIP is a big step forward from where i'm standing right now
It really freaks me out after 4 seasons came to give the talk
They make it sound like the hotel industry is the best place for you to progress in life
But i cannot waver
I have to stay focus on what i want to do
And choose what i want to do
Regardless of what distractions or enticing cheap thrills out there
I hope i mean what i say, really.
- 11:14:00 PM;
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

After so long, i've finally decided not to talk about my China Trip anymore. Simply because its too long, and there're just too many things to say. If you really want to find out more, go to
http://www.idodisco.blogspot.com/ to find out alright (:
Now is the start of year3 sem1, and guess what, i skipped the first day of school! haha ok nth surprising right, ya i know. =x I've got some new friends, grreeeaaaattttt ones ok. People like MeiZhu and Peggy, juniors, hope i'm in the same class as some of them. And not forgetting Steph, that ever-act-hardworking girl in the same accounts class as me (lol she's so gonna kill me if she sees this).
Nothing much left to say, here's my timetable ~ tata ~
- 3:01:00 AM;
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Okok!! Time to really blog about what happened during the trip. On 30th March, we left Terminal3 on board China Eastern Airlines towards Pudong International Airport. Daddy fetched Dinesh and i to the airport and we had breakfast at the airport. First day, still not very close with everyone YET! So it was kinda awkward and all, only walked with Dinesh the whole time. We had a group picture taken outside the departure hall (T03 & T04) but i don't have the photo ):
Haha nvm, the exciting part comes next - DUTY FREE SHOPS!! =/ We didn't have much time left to shop cause alot of time was wasted at the check in part. So we rushed to buy ciggy and liquor DESPITE the fact that we weren't allowed to smoke or drink during the trip. I bought a carton of Davidoff Supreme and Dinesh had Lucky Strike. We also shared a bottle of Singapore Sling (bought this cause we don't have to worry about mixer, SS is a cocktail). Rushed to the smoking area for our last stick then proceeded to the gate for boarding. Oh ya, did i mention, the max weight for luggage is 20kg and my luggage was like 19.2kg before i left -.-!
Very quickly, made one last phone call and off to the plane we go. Some people changed seats so that they can all sit with their friends and i kindly asked a guy beside me to change with Dinesh =/ The flight was superb. MeiZhu was sitting on my right on the centre row, i was on the left wing, and she nvr take an airplane before. So i was like scaring her during the whole take off and landing part. I was literally shouting out pretending i was very scared and that the plane is about to crash. I even joked about the wheels getting stuck and later cannot land properly =x HAHA i sweat it was hilarious ok! Nothing much happened on the plane la, slept most of the time. Food was ok, and i got really irritated when people start to complain that the food is not nice this la that la. If the food is not nice, don't eat. Why grumble when eating and showing people what a baby you are?
Touch down at Shanghai, the weather was cooling in the airport. Not till we carried out luggage to the tour bus and Dinesh was practically shivering ok! Yes, the weather is that cold. Luckily i had my puma jacket on, but it wasn't really enough though. I like my legs and hands to be cold, but not my body. That explains why i can wash my legs and hands in cold water but i can never bath in cold water. After that we took the Maglev Train to Long Yang Road. The whole ride was only 8mins! It'll take 45mins if we traveled by bus or taxi. Max speed of the train is 430km/h but we only hit 310km/h cos the distance is too short. Haha quite an experience, but not as exciting as i had perceived.
First dinner was at a chinese restaurant where we had beer! There was also live performance by one of China's tribal group. There was dancing, singing, and we took manymany pictures that night. Uber fun can! Back at the hotel Dinesh and i slacked ourside the hotel room, getting to know one another. Everyone was like quite scared that the teachers will come and check on us so we didnt dare to go to other ppl's room. Slept quite early ba that night, felt abit high oso =/
Okay, end of first day, later post second day. Haha recapping all these makes me feel hyper elated. >< I love the GC people!
- 11:52:00 AM;