Wednesday, February 27, 2008
My 2nd paper is at 230pm later
Time check now: 430am
Guess what? I havent started studying yet!
Cool right? Cool ...
I just cant seem to start studying
If only you could send me a msg like how we used to
Perhaps things would be better for me
Anw, lets go through some funny things which happened recently to help me clear my mind
I just learnt 2 new words that could be added to my vocab list
Maybe you guys have heard of these, but not me!
1. Gaydar - Derived from the word Gay + Radar. Used to describe people who have the ability to sense immediately when he/she sees a gay or lesbian. Eg: When bryan sees marcus, he tells everyone marcus is gay. It's said that bryan has Gaydar.
2. Unibrow - Derived from the word Uni + Eyebrow. Used to describe people who have their eyebrows so closely grown together that it looks as if its a straight line. Eg: OMFG L*** has unibrow! (lol only khehs understand. sry guys)
Ok time to slp. Later wake up den study.
- 4:28:00 AM;
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
It feels good to walk in the rain
That was what i thought
And that was what i did
At first you feel awkward about the cars
And the people living upstairs
Staring down looking at you
Slowly you start to get wet
The rythm of the raindrops gets faster
Soon your mind is clear
When you cant think of anything else
But the coldness and shivers that comes right at you
You won't even be able to differentiate tears from rain
Everything is wet now
Just when you thought you got better
You suddenly realise you're used to the environment
You're not worried about the rain
Nor the coldness and the shiver
And everything just comes back to your mind
I tried shouting names to the air
But it doesnt work, does it?
I fooled around too much in the past
And now retribution is finding its way to me
I just hope that it won't be long
Till happiness steps up to greet me
The power of "IF".
- 3:56:00 AM;
Thursday, February 21, 2008
These few days were quite monotonous
And i've finally started studying for the first time in this whole semester
=/ ok i know i've been rather slack
but this is the way i am isnt it? =x
I was looking at myself the other day
and i realized that i'm reallyreally very thin now
I have to eat more these coming hols and try to get FAT!
anybody wanna donate some fats to me?
Oh ya, i've been thinking about going to the dentist for some time now
Not bcos i have any problems,
just thought i needed a regular checkup
And i just went to the temple with Sheena and Marcus
Feels good to pray there after 2 months of absence
Hopefully all my wishes will come true again?
Also, my zodiac readings this year says that i have to go donate blood early this year
So that i will enjoy a smooth sailing year ahead of me
I'm thinking where should i go to donate blood
If you guys have any suggestions feel free to tell me ok!
(pictures are not coming up, i guess.. cos bryan is lazyyyyy)
- 5:41:00 PM;
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Oh guys i'm feeling hyper elated right now i have to blog about it!
This is gonna be lengthy so get ready to yawnnnnn ~
My day started of perfectly cause i get to have breakfast with a special someone at McDonalds. Although i didnt eat cause i have got no appetite and i'm sick, i enjoyed my time just watching her eat. I first time see people use wet tissue to wipe their hands before they touch the burger. I mean, do we really have to be so clean? Unless you just digged your ass den i have nth to say la. HAHA =/ And she put on the perfume already! Smells even nicer (lol i sound like some pervert)
After we parted, i felt that my fever and flu has subsided. Can you believe it? Meet already can get well, i believe! But my sore throat and bad cough is still here la and i'm very irritated by it cos i kept coughing wherever i go and people will just like "eeew he spreads germs" and i'm like "oh i'm sry, didnt mean it, i covered my mouth already" -.-!
In the evening i went to meet ZhiLei at City Hall to watch the F1 preview and River Hong Bao. We headed to Shokudo for dinner first. It's a Japanese Pasta & Pizza restaurant in City Link Mall. At first when i saw the menu i felt that the pictures weren't very appetizing. Only the desserts and drinks look nice lor. But it turned out everything we ordered tasted heavenly! ZL had a cod fish pasta called Gindara Saikyo Carbonara and i had a H.Style Potato Cheese Pizza, uber thin crust one okay! We also had a side dish of Cheese Wanton and Ice Apple Vinegar, ZL didnt really like that drink though, but i loved it. So my happy day continues as dinner was filling and fantastic.
After that, my luck started to come in at a even faster pace. We didnt know what time the F1 will actually start, or whether it'll be before the Chingay or after that, so we just tried our luck by taking one of the exits at Esplanade Underground Passageway. The minute we got out, we found ourselves a place where it wasn't very squeezy, free flow of fresh air, and we were directly facing the spot where the F1 is gonna do its drift, burn-out, and dragging. We didnt have to wait long too! After about 15mins or so, the F1 car came. I swear to god that the sound of the engine revving is TOTALLY FUCKING ORGASMIC can! I went totally high lor! When the F1 first came, it just sped through like nobody's business. I couldn't even catch a glimpse of the driver and wads printed on the car. I just saw something went by me. And the engine sound is so loud and high pitched we had to cover our ears. Back and forth twice, it sped, drifted, smoked the air, instilled fear in the audience, and created a sense of satisfaction in me. I am really very happy that i caught the preview of a real F1 in Singapore.
The F1 couldnt last long because the engines were too hot and they need to cool down. For this preview, the mechanics actually installed extra fans to better ventilate the hot air from the engines, but they weren't enough. In an actual race, the engine is actually cooled by the fast moving air it sucks in when travelling at high speeds of 250kmh and abv. As it ended, we made our way to the other side of the road to watch the Chingay Parade of Dreams. Same thing, we didnt know where the flow of traffic is coming from, nor do we know where the DJ will be and where the announcements will be made. But we were so lucky we found a spot, no crowd, fresh air, nice view, and most importantly, the speaker is facing us! So the DJ introduced performances after performances and we caught every word of it. I have to agree with wj that this year the flower cars werent that fantastic, but still, i enjoyed the festive mood.
At about 10pm, we went to walk round River Hong Pao, reading our Zodiacs, watching puppet shows and then spent about $10 at the wishing well. This wishing well is rather special because it has 8 bells instead of just 1, and every bell has a different meaning attached to it. So its like, if you wanna get good grades for your studies, you aim at xue2 ye4 you3 cheng2, and if you wanna have a great love life then you aim at bai3 nian2 hao3 he2. Haha. I was so eager to hit those bells that i went to exchanged extra coins on top of the ones i had. In the end ZL and i both managed to hit 3 bells that we wanted. Then we went to get some drinks and food, walked around the rest of the attractions, then headed to Raffles Shopping Centre for toilet break and to finish our food. We also slacked some time cause we dont want to be caught in the crowd =/
During the train ride, it wasnt very packed, but it wasnt very empty either. But we managed to find seats! Can you see how lucky i am today?!?!?! So sent ZL home, then took the train back home. The min i enter my room, my dad told me i striked 4D! The other day i was at my granny's place helping her out with the Tian Gong Birthday thingy, then we got 3 sets of numbers. So i just bought those numbers and one of them actually striked! I dont buy 4D often as you all know, but i still got so lucky lor! Can you believe it. OMGzzzsssxxx haha
Later or tmr i'll upload the photos cause there're like 25 photos in totaly and i'm too excited right now to want to sit on the chair and wait. =x Hope my luck and bring me through my exams once again yeah! And ChinYi my dear, bu yao qi nei! Jia yous! hehe
- 12:48:00 AM;
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Can someone please tell me who on earth..
Eats eggs with honey,
Eats beef patty with honey,
Eats burgers with honey?
Everything is so sweet la,
I bet you can hardly taste the actual taste of the food.
I've been sick for 2 days now,
Fever and flu on-off
Sore throat and bad cough is killing me
I cant even enjoy my cigarettes anymore
zzz bryan can you get well soon please.
lets have breakfast tgt more often?
- 8:56:00 AM;
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Ytd went to watch CJ 7 with Chin, i have to say it really wasn't worth the money.
Those of you who hadn't watch that show should never watch it!
Then we went to buy some stuff and i saw suwen
So funny, i called out to her then she turn around but couldn't recognize me
Then she asked who i am and i said i called wrongly
LOL.. and Chin that gay boy wore the same colour as me, AGAIN
This morning i'm suppose to sleep till 12pm then wake up for ACC
But i felt so hungry it woke me up
My stomach is still grumbling now la
There's nothing much to eat except for that marble cake in the fridge
Anw, i gotta go draft my final report already
Chill, its not a school report, only chin and i have it (:
PS: My hair is ugly these few days, bear with it, my mum says cannot cut during CNY zzz
- 8:54:00 AM;
Monday, February 11, 2008
Happy Lunar New Year to all my chinese friends out there!
(includes dinesh as well)
Chuxi had dinner at my granny hse
Followed by Mahjong and lost $7
Chuyi went to visit my grandma and granny
It was much fun, just that the cousins weren't fighting over the sweets anymore
Followed by Mahjong won $6
And Blackjack won $30
Chuer went to visit my laoyi and sigugong
Then went to T3 and had dinner at Crystal Jade Shanghai
Sent Aunty Sally off to Japan then went to watch Ah Long Pte Ltd
Chusan slept all the way till 5pm
Then went out with Yuhting for Kungfu dunk till 2am
After dat went rounding with Marcus
Then to Sheena's hse for Baileys
Slept over for the night on her dusty old sofa
Washed my shirt and iron the next day
AND went out in the same outfit haha =x
Chusi with Chin shopping in town
At first was at PS walking around SK and Citigem
Then decided it wasn't practical
So went to DFS Galleria instead
Chuwu - which is today
Overslept all the way till now
Missed morning and afternoon lessons
Got tonnes of pictures but i'll upload another day
Quite lazy to put all that has happened in words nicely cause i have no time!
bye ~
- 2:46:00 PM;
Monday, February 04, 2008

Today is really a very unlucky day for me. I told my sis to eat downstairs she dowan, she wants to walk to 883 to eat. Ok so we walk to 883 for lunch. On the way there she duno how to walk properly, keep walking towards me until half my leg is on the kurb and the other half is in the air. Then i slipped and my whole body weight landed on 1 single toe, on the rough surface of the road. See abv pic, this is what my toe have become now. Tmr cant wear formal shoes for presentation already la, and my new year shoe also, how la! zzz But i still love my sister alot, geex (:
Don't stumble over a small rock okay! You can do it de! (:
- 2:28:00 AM;