Thursday, January 31, 2008
I'm now in TAS with Chin and Dinesh, and all of us are feeling fucking irritated. When we on the lights, the flies come and hang around us, when we off the lights, the mosquitoes come and hang around us, and our body is itching like nobody's business -.-!
But still.. It was fantastically a joyful time spent, just the 3 of us in TAS, with LAYS and NACHOS and POTATO CHIPS + MILK and some unhealthy stuff, we totally slacked the time away. Not forgetting Dinesh and I are taking turns to blast the music and so much crap and laughter as usual.
At one time, Dinesh and I went to the girls' toilet to pee, and i tell you, the girls toilet is as dirty as the guys toilet k. Its not as if only guys cant aim properly and dats why dirty the toilet. The girls ah.. tsktsktsk.. Leave the tissues hanging halfway from the toilet seat cover and (alot of disgusting stuff)..
I have now come to the end of my entry (LOL inside joke), we managed to complete our assignment and now waiting for the lab to open so that we can print and submit (: Oh ya forgot to tell you guys, MY AIR CON IS REPAIRED ALREADY!! woohoo!! After this i shall go home and turn on the air con once again and enjoy my sleep, as usual.
- 6:41:00 AM;
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Morning: CSIT Presentation; Cab to sch @ $35.40; Passed friend notes; Feeling sleepy
Afternoon: TTO; Lunch; PSP; Feeling sad
Evening: YT; Shopping; Dinner; Shopping; Shopping; Shopping; Ice-Cream; Train home; Feeling legs pain
That's all for today.
- 12:16:00 AM;
Monday, January 28, 2008
Wow it's been 10 days since i last updated. Not lazy to update, there's nth to update! Well, except for the fact that i got into Global Citizenship CDS. Haha really have to thank Dinesh that asshole for helping me out xD
Its now coming to the end of the semester, don't know if i'm suppose to be happy or sad to leave TAS. I had so much fun in Sentosa and with all the international students (they are damn crappy i assure you) and MR WONG! (totally love this teacher, he teaching in mandarin) and the chefs who takes smoking breaks with me behind the dining area (lol) and the security guard (who also takes smoking breaks with me outside block G) and all the friendly staff at the Sentosa Express. Plus i won't get to see YuhTing so often now. Worst of all, i haven't been to the beach to play ever since i studied at sentosa (suppose to go there like once a week but ended up nvr go at all -.-)
That's for my school and now for my gay friend chin. Mr Ng Jing Yi (his actual name is ngchinyi) i know you read my posts ok, and please talk to me like how to talk to other guys. Don't freaking treat me like a girl and talk so sweetly with me lah for gdnesssss sakeeeee zzz.. Damn gay can! Ppl already mistook me for a gay boy and there you wanna add on to it thanks lor.
And felicia, you are petty, so so so damn petty. Small little things oso wanna get angry. Don't tell me you're just kidding lor, dat day your reply doesnt look like you were just kidding lor. ><
Ok gtg slp already, tmr meeting Mdm Spastic to pass her notes. *happy!*
- 12:06:00 AM;
Friday, January 18, 2008

Sheena is such an ass. I happened to meet her in sch today cause i got my time wrong (i thought lesson is at 2pm but it was at 3pm so i'm an hour early and i had nowhere to go). So i decided to go and submit my form for Global Citizenship at HSS, Sheena went with me. After submitting the form the guy asked "are you a male or female?" and i'm like O.O wtf? someone mistake me for a female again? So i answered him "male". Then he asked "if you're male, then why did you tick this part?". he points to the form where it says FOR FEMALES ONLY: Are you pregnant? and i ticked no =.= I was just blur la okay. And thanks alot SHEENA .. You and that guy laughed your asses off right in front of me.
Then Sheena asked me to go to the library with her since i have nowhere to go, but i told her i'd be so bored w/o anything to do! She handed me the book abv and said it was very nice. I'm not a book person, and i totally detest novels or wadever hard covered made of paper over a hundred pages kinda thing. BUT i thought since i had nth to do, i might as well read the book, at most when time's up i'll just return it to her, no harm what! HOWEVER, i got addicted to it. I couldn't stop myself from reading it! I even begged Sheena to lend it to me so i can read it during class and she reluctantly agreed, on the condition that i have to return it to her when her lesson starts cause she wants to read it too. So, at 4pm i had to return to her. She skipped lessons, we went to smoke, and the whole time i was reading the book. Finally she had to go home and she wouldn't lend the book to me! Ended up, i was so frustrated i went to buy a copy myself. cbbbbbb spend money on books =.= this is so not me .. But i guess it was worth it!
Tell you a short summary about this book. This girl's name was Shoko Tendo, she grew up in Japan with 1 elder brother, 1 elder sister, and 1 younger sister, as well as her parents. Her father was a big shot gangster in Japan, owning the gang called Yakuza. (this isn't a fictional book, Yakuza does exist in Japan even till today! go google it and find out more) Basically this book arouses all your emotions, and i do mean ALL. Firstly you'll feel bored, then you feel kinda curious abt what's next, then you get horny (no joke), then you get angry, then you feel pitiful, and somewhere in the middle when Tendo meets Haka, you feel kinda happy for her, plus alot more other feelings, and finally you'll tear (sheena and i did tear, seriously).
Super short summary: When Tendo was young, her dad's business partner came to molest her, then she followed her elder sister's (Mika) footstep by being a Yankie (Japan's gangster). She totally loved the way Yankies act and she thought it was cool. Lost her virginity to her first bf cause she thought that would make her "more Yankie" and then she got onto drugs. Then her best friend's bf wanted to rape her. At 19, she started getting involved with married men because she was showered with lotsa expensive gifts and even an apartment. She went through misery all the way till late 20s. Through that period, there were men who really treated her nice, but left her in the end cause of their own family, and there were men who abused her, emotionally physically sexually. (i have to mention this because i'm damn pissed with this kinda guy) There's this guy by the name of Maejima who kept injecting drugs via needles and stringe into Tendo and then beats her up terribly before fucking her brians out. At the end of it, he always hugs her and says sorry, i did this because i love you, i dont want you to leave me. What kinda bullshit is this? If i know any men that is like this, i swear i'll treat them a couple of fists. Ok back to story.. Tendo get miscarriage and abortion while she was playing around with these married men and she finally settles down with a guy who truly loves her.
Then came the problem with her sister Maki. Maki married a retarded gambler, who once used to be a rich fuck. He gambled all his money away and Tendo had to support Maki + her husband, on top of Tendo's own family. At that point in time, her father retired from the gang, was seriously ill, and her mum was on the verge of dying. Soon she realised she couldn't make ends meet and she felt that she's bringing trouble and misery for her husband. She then asked for a divorce, unwillingly, just bcos she wanted her husband to have a better life. Reluctantly, her husband agreed. After divorce, her husband still continues to take care of Tendo's family. Tendo got into depression too, and she lost and gained weight frantically, had a very unhealthy body, and she almost died from overdose of slping pills. One day she finally managed to pluck up her determination to start over anew. She then went to have her whole body tattooed, of a woman who's life resembles that of her's. It ended when her parents died, and she stopped being a bar hostess and became a free lance writer. I hope she's leading a healthy and worry-free life now. All the best Shoko Tendo!
This book is a must buy! If a non-reader like me says its a must buy, what do you think readers will say? Go buy it now!
- 12:09:00 AM;
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Men and women are different, part one:
Women are more likely to sleep with co-workers. A Playboy poll
claimed that two-thirds of women reported having sex with a colleague,
while for men the response was about fifty percent.
Women are more likely to download spyware. According to research
firm Harris Interactive, more women download malicious tools like
keyloggers, which record keystrokes to capture passwords and other
sensitive information.
Women are more likely to call the help desk. The same Harris
Interactive poll found that of those workers who downloaded spy ware,
64 percent of women called their company's help desk for assistance,
while only 30 percent of men called for help.
Women are more likely to write meaningful emails. Plus, according to
a Pew Internet study, women tend to use the Internet in a more
interactive way than men, collecting helpful information to share with
friends and family in an effort to deepen connections with others.
Women are more likely to abuse their partner on a date. Yeah, it's
true. More women than men told researchers for a University of
Florida/University of South Carolina study that they "stalked, attacked
or psychologically abused" someone they dated.
Women are more likely to enjoy a good joke. A Stanford study found
that women's brains process verbal jokes and sight gags more
analytically, looking for the humor. When they find it, they are more
likely to appreciate the payoff than men.
Women are more likely to die from Alzheimer's Disease... at least,
according to a study published in American Journal of Public Health.
Women are more likely to see their doctor regularly. In a study,
women followed through on annual medical check-ups more than men,
as well as sought treatment for specific problems.
Women are more likely to become addicted to tobacco. Why? Because
their bodies are more vulnerable to its chemical effects.
Women are more likely to be appointed to boards of directors in times
of crisis. Suggesting that male corporate executives appoint women to
boards for them to take the fall, researchers in England found that
most of these women saw their "trials by fire" to be opportunities to
prove their abilities.
- 11:01:00 AM;
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Here are 26 Facts taken from Arrow, some of which you may already know. Enjoy ~ ^^
1. 99% of people cannot lick their elbow.
2. Babies that are breastfed are more likely to be slimmer as adults than those that are not breastfed.
3. The average person spends three years of his or her life on a toilet.
4. Is bottled water worth it? 'Evian' spelled backwards is 'naive'.
5. More than ten people a year are killed by vending machines.
6. Over 10,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows.
7. When a person dies, hearing is usually the last sense to go.
8. Strawberries have more vitamin C’s than oranges.
9. There are no ants in Iceland, Antarctica, and Greenland.
10. Nachos is the food most craved by pregnant women.
11. A watermelon is a vegetable not a fruit.
12. No one knows where Mozart is buried.
13. The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to seven.
14. Babies' eyes do not produce tears until the baby is approximately six to eight weeks old.
15. Justin Timberlake's half-eaten french toast sold for over $3,000 on eBay!
16. If you toss a penny 10,000 times, it will not be heads 5,000 times, but more like 4,950. The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.
17. Ben and Jerry's sends the waste from making ice cream to local pig farmers to use as feed.
18. You are about 1 centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening!
19. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.
20. Car airbags kill 1 person for every 22 lives that they save.
21. Crushed cockroaches can be applied to a stinging wound to help relieve the pain.
22. Approximately one-third of the population can't snap their fingers!
23. It takes about a week to make a jelly bean.
24. You can't create a folder called 'con' in Microsoft Windows!TRY IT!!!
25. Rats can’t vomit, thats why rat poison works.
26. It is easier to pass out your bowels when squatting than sitting.
- 12:12:00 AM;
Sunday, January 06, 2008

My dad and sheena's mum's bf. Zzzzz how old already still like that =.=

All the cousins tgt plus my sis. Masks on before New Year countdown!

(Front left to right) Angie, Dad, UncleLim, Sally, Jay
(Back left to right) Melissa, Me, Sebastian, Marcus Sheena

Last course - Choco fondue filled muffin w Vanilla Ice Cream

Haha this looks super funny. Sally is trying to keep her skirt down while taking picture.

All the cousins tgt. Oldest one sitting down, youngest one of extreme left. Not clear enough? Oldest is Sheena and youngest is me! xD

My dad and his gf.

Sheena's mum and her bf.

Sebas Marcus and Bryan.

Some pork ribs thingy la, cant rmb the name of the dish.

My sis and sheena posing in the toilet.

Seaweed tofu fried homestyle?

Sebas Melissa and Sheena.

Grilled fish with caviar and some kinda funny mushroom that stars with 'P'.

Appetizer - Oyster, fried lotus, friend prawn, yam, jelly fish and ikan bilis.

My sis and sheena.

ChongHui, Lyndy and LiChun with the 3 wise men @ Orchard.

Chin and ChongHui, look like husband and wife. haha!

KokSheng me and chin at the front, the girls at the back. Names already mentioned. (:
Have a Happy Christmas and New Year 2008! *cheers* (:
- 10:51:00 PM;