Sunday, September 30, 2007
Last week was quite fun! Very fun actually.
Spend a few nights in a comfy cosy home
Had a 17 course dinner
Watched tv on a 52 inch plasma
Playing around with a Bang and Olufson tv remote
Improved my appetite by quite alot
Gym-ed and tennis-ed + 2.4km run
Towned almost everyday
Watched a movie with Chin and ChongHui
Definitely makes me feel like holiday has started
Results are coming out this coming thurs
Wonder if i can make it ):
Rather worried actually
But if my destiny is meant to be then let it be? =x
Just came back from sebas house
Went to buy munchy donuts with him at cwp =.=
And VERY fortunately i restocked my ciggies already
So you can expect me to be shop this coming week! xD
Tmr i should be staying at home packing my room
Then at night go honeymoon again
[ ok this post is retarded ]
- 9:17:00 PM;
Today is damn RETARDED
Marcus Sebas and i did like the most embarassing thing in my life!
We called Sheena Kheh at near midnight
And sang her a birthday song
3 guys singing a birthday song to 1 girl !
And she let her friend hear
What da hell !!!
Therefore i've decided,
Birthday present forfeited !
nehneh =p
- 12:34:00 AM;
Thursday, September 27, 2007
These few days the weather has been very bad
A moment its raining
Next moment sun is shining on your butt
This moment is windy and wet
Next moment its dry and humid
Thats why ytd i suddenly nose bleed
Its not because i watch too much porn ok
Anw these few days gonna put up in a hotel
Maybe for the next 1 month or so too
- 7:21:00 AM;
Monday, September 24, 2007
2 days ago i went to California Fitness to have a checkup on my body
I am super under-weight
Super under-fats
Super under-muscles
sigh ..
I want to gain weight
I dont need the shape and mass
I just want pure weight
God please give me more weight
- 10:55:00 PM;
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The other day Ms Tan treat my marketing group to Spizza for dinner. 3 pizzas, 1 pasta, 1 dessert, 1 red wine, 2 beers. Nice right my teacher? ^^ Evelyn and AhNeh was there too ~
My area isnt so safe afterall. You see .. No wonder that night got so many police cars arnd.

Random pictures we took at COMEX. You cant even call it work man. LOL
- 10:53:00 PM;
Few weeks ago it was my nainai's 68th birthday.
Celebrated at her house,
Had one of the most fabulous cheesecake in my life,
Fooled around with the cousins,
Talk here and there,
Eat here and there,
+ praying and burning of incense papers.
It was much fun !
Happy Birthday Nai2 ! xD
- 6:52:00 PM;
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
- 9:21:00 AM;
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I got this sudden urge to blog !!!
I am totally in love with "Kinship" and "Like Father Like Daughter"
Ah Lian is so cute and adorable
YuSheng and Chen YingJun totally make the perfect lovebirds!
Readers if you know their real names do tell me ok?
Thank you in advance!
- 9:50:00 AM;
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ok, this post will be abt Carynn's birthday.
She celebrated her 21st birthday at Settlers' Cafe
Somewhere near boat quay area
Finally grow up le wor!
Free girl already lor now
Haha congrats !
Next time i need someone to bail me out i can call you! =x
Anw its a pity cheryl didnt make it
Cos i missed her badly
Hope we'll have a belated party ok!
After the birthday party Marcus and i went out
First time brought him to Illuzion
And i believe he loved it right ..
Lol .. I sang a couple of songs
And some of them were poorly sung
Hais .. I nvr put in enough emotions den sing badly
Sorry bro ..
Anw, Linda was there !
Haha, w/o her Illuzion would be Illusion already
Great company heh !
2 guys, 2 jugs, 1 bucket = <<>>
Carynn's birthday cake! Nah, its not her body .. =p
Just another Marcus and Bryan
Our bucket of Heineken xD
Thats linda lo .. Ya she dont look very pretty in photos ..
But trust me she's gorgeous in real person, if not marcus wun be drooling all over RIGHT ?! *grins*
- 6:14:00 AM;
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Too long never update and there're so many things to say.
Luckily i have photos to do the talking.
Lets start with the cousins' outing with 1 photo,
The other events later den post again ^^,
Last thursday, Marcus, Sebastian, Sheena and I went looking for Michelle's "Man Yue" present cum Carynn's birthday present. It has been so long since we had gone out together already, and of course it was a great day!
So what did we do that made it great? First of all, i finally bought the T-Shirt that i saw at Muji Paragon. Luckily they still have it, or i'm gonna be so disappointed. Then Sebas and i waited for Marcus and that TORTOISE to come. After that went Far East for lunch and walked around Wisma, Taka, Far East to find their presents. UNFORTUNATELY .. Didnt manage to find anything. ): (dun worry, their presents had been settled after that already.)
But there were so many interesting things that happened! You see the pic abv? LOL That is our enormous tub of Yoghurt from the food fair at Takashimaya. Very funny .. Lazy to describe .. But there're more than 5 flavours in that tub and its really nice. Then i was at ZARA when i saw my friend GRACE. The min i called out "GRACE!", Marcus was so agitated that he wanted to punch me =.= lol .. Then i was at FCUK when i accidentily knocked my head against the shelf and the whole thing was shaking vigorously. I totally dont find it funny at all lor, den all the cousins laughing like there's no tmr. tmdzx At the end of the day, the 4 of us went to Grand Hyatt to shit! LOL i tell you its damn fun. Sebas was taking pics of his **** and sending it to me via bluetooth. (When i receive 10 votes on my tagboard i'll post that pic of his ****!) xD
Ok, back to DOTA now .. Later update on Carynn's birthday + drinking session with Marcus.
- 12:46:00 AM;
Monday, September 03, 2007
I have got a fettish for legs
It doesn't matter if girls are flat front and back
It doesn't matter if girls are average looking
But it definitely matters if you have ugly legs
Sorry ah .. No offence intended!
- 6:25:00 PM;
Saturday, September 01, 2007

- 5:55:00 AM;