Monday, March 26, 2007
It's been decided: Not taking exams; again
Call me crazy, call me wadever fuck
Who cares?
I'm Bryan Kheh anyways.
- 5:54:00 AM;
Friday, March 23, 2007
I have 4 announcements to make today.
1. I took my F&B supp paper today and i know for sure i won't make it. So f&b, see you again next sem.
2. Got to know Mason today and he told me some quite interesting things that i'd nvr know if he didn't say.
3. I am super duper uber elated today .. cuz i saw qiqi at heeren. You can never imagine how she look in real life! gosh; memorable.
4. I lost $33.20 on mahjong just now.
- 7:09:00 AM;
Monday, March 19, 2007
Many people always say they never sleep for many days and blah blah blah brag about it. But how many of them really stretch it to the max? Just the other day we did this.
The first night, we partied till 5am before going home for a short nap. Then i had to work at 9am so i only had 2 hours of slp. During that evening, i went to grandma's hse for dinner, then nj hse to watch dvd till 3am. (don't forget i only had 2 hours of slp that morning) After that received phone call from JunHao so i went Timo's hse for mahjong. Lost some money that night, but nvm, when i was about to go home, they said they wanted to have breakfast. So we went to Upp Thompson for prata till 8am. After that we went for morning pool at Bt Timah -.- We're already like half dead during this point in time. ANDDDD after pool we went for lunch and cyber games till 2pm. It totally fucking crazyyyy lahh. After that i was suppose to go home, but i went down Vivo walkwalk. Can you imagine whole night without slp or bath, whole body stinkin and sticky while walking arnd?? i cann. =x Rmb i bought the Owell bracelet last year dec? I got another pendant on that day. (later post pic)
Ok so this is counted as the second day already. After Vivo, supposingly i should go home and rest rightt? I got home, quickly bathed and fell on my bed and fell asleep immediately. 15mins later phone calls came in again. I told them i couldn't take it and i just wanted to slp but the phone calls kept coming in! So i went for a few sticks in the living room while stonning to myself. Mins later i got changed and out i go again - Zouk. That night party like crazyy again until 4am den went for supper and whn i finally got home, i lost the mood for sleep. -.-
If you wanna brag about being shag, try this before you say anything. =p

The bracelet that i bought last year $120 and pendant $168. Finally got a pendant for my necklace after 2 years.
- 7:52:00 AM;
Saturday, March 17, 2007
I should really stop all these late night outs,
Midnight entertainments,
Late night suppers,
Illegal races,
Heavy alchohol,
Pubs, KTVs, clubs,
mahjong till broke,
skipping work when i cant wake up,
heavy puffs,
unreasonable talks,
and just stay home everyday,
do housework,
study and watch tv,
save up my money for future,
spend more time with my family,
coach my sis in her studies,
lead a healthy normal life ...
nah just kidding =P
- 7:28:00 PM;
Monday, March 12, 2007
Finally the IT Show is over. This time working for Fujitsu selling their laptops. As compared to HP last time, the basic is lower but the incentives are better and more attractive (: Its like $40 a day and $10 per laptop. If you manage to hit 5 laptops per day then it'll be $1 per laptop. And if the overall sales is better than NewStead, each day you get additional $25. Haha, i totally slacked my way throughout the 5 days and i still make about $540. LOL
How did i slack? Here's it: Everytime i hit 5 laptops i'll go smoke or walk arnd disturbing other salesman. Then there's this really pretty PenTax model Emileen, guys from my booth dun dare talk to her, for me, i walked up to her and asked if she's free to go for a walk with me and she said yes. lol. So off we went jalanjalan arnd and i went to see the new VAIO Fusion PC. Not too bad but insider said a better and improved version will be out soon. So i'll wait! While walking we talked about manymny things lah, was kinda akward but it was fun and enjoyable.
There was once i was smoking in the loading and unloading bay, then when i turned arnd suddenly RuiYing was standing there staring. Haha didn't know she was working this time also. So we waved and bye~ lol Today was the last day, all the drinks went out. I went to Emileen to get a few bottles from her but it really wasn;t enough. Then i went over to Samsung but there also no stock le. Went to Epson also finish already. -.- diaooo .. So i had no choice but to go LeMon lor. Feel so akward to see her but i'm really thirsty! But she was funny lah, took 3 bottles from RuiYing and she still say $3 pls. O.o
After that we went to HongKong cafe @ Kovan to have supper with cousins. Really fantastic meal and best of all, the waiter gave wrong bill. Lazy to mention details, wanna find out go read my cousins' blogs. Anw at the end of it we paid only about $65 for a $90+ meal. haha =x Super tired le, tml still have to go YaYuan hse for dinner. Nightts~!! Oh yah, forgot to mention, i got to know a SIA Airstewardess. UBER rich and sexy cum HOT. lol. Cheap DFS stuffs for me in future =D
Okay maybe you all duno wads so special about these tiles. Here's the story. The other night i was playing mj at Alex's hse. During one of the rounds i had these really bad tiles, everything was super messed up. Then i started to lose focus and thought about other things. I totally wasn't looking at the tiles. Then suddenly when i get hold of myself my tiles became like that, super nice. Don't ask me why i really don't know. It was very eerie, it felt like someone else was in me playing for me. That night i won about $30+++ and it was really very scary. It was like my mind is sleeping and when i wake up and look at the tiles its always in a very nice pattern. O.o Was it me or it?
Alright, here's another story. There's this girl that i hardly know for a month. She found out about my birthday and bought me this which is what i wanted. Super funny lah she, but thanks anw (: (Actually there's more story to it =x)
During the IT Show we did many stupid things ... ...
Stupid things like this .. And loads of crap. HAHA . Super fun lah!
- 4:39:00 AM;
Monday, March 05, 2007
Sometimes i wonder if its worth it to work like that. I've been having sleepless nights for dunno the past how many days already. So tired especially when it comes to typing in the report. Hais i really dunno sia.
Tml got so many things to do. Morning have to go take jab for the school thing, then go civic centre pay road tax. Then go MediaCorp submit papers. Then go Mah Pte Ltd pay instalment. Den still have to go ahma hse pass aunty the redemption letters and lastly te NEA test. So stupid lor, still have to pay for the test. -,-
- 5:02:00 AM;
Sunday, March 04, 2007
- 1:12:00 AM;