Saturday, February 24, 2007
Last night was Alex's birthday. We went Marina South for steamboat then to DXO for party. It was one of the craziest nights ever lah. I somehow don't dare to celebrate my birthday with these bunch of guys already. When it comes to birthday, it seems like money doesn't matter to anybody AT ALL! I spent $20 bucks to buy Graveyard for Alex. Then there was Chrystal, she bought 5 tequila shots NEAT. Followed by delvin and junning with a Waterfall. Then we had Vodka Rasberry, Whiskey Coke and Tiger Beer. Luckily we never order Lamborghini cos Alex already puked and was totally knocked out. Can you imagine "The Unbeatable" being knocked out? Whats gonna happen to me if i celebrated with them? lol
Anyway, today was simple. Morning went to school to meet Cassy to study, then to ICA for some stuffs and home to sleep. Just came back from movie with dad and sis, i swear Just Follow Law is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Its really very nice lah, J Team Productions nver fail to bring out Singaporeans' emotions, unless you can't relate yourself well to the movie. I bet mama's girls and boys don't know how to appreciate these movies. Pictures!

- 2:32:00 AM;
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Here're some pictures taken during the week of CNY (:
Paiseh i know very ugly =x

- 5:24:00 AM;
Monday, February 19, 2007
CNY is really having a drastic change. The new genration kids no longer fancy cny and people are having fewer kids and relatives as time pass. I guess when it comes to my time cny will just be a normal public holiday? Anw it was great playing mahjong with uncle and cousins. Lost $12 on the first day and won 50c on the second day. haha O.o
Ytd after mahjong went down to cuppage plaza party world with Junhao alex junning and friends. Adeline's sister can really sing! I was really surprised that she can sing mandarin songs so well cos of the fact that she's an english speaking girl. So after that went Al-Ameen at Timah en reached home at abt 6am+.
And i just came back home from Alan's place, went there to get my 2T. Nibbling on pineapple tarts as i'm typing this and and & & .. ahh wadever things that i can do other than study!!! i dread exams. ):
- 6:51:00 PM;
Friday, February 16, 2007
Oh yeah i'm finaly done with my CNY shopping le! Here're the clothes that i bought (:
White Shoe from ALDO - $169
Hoody from FCUK - $129
3 Quads from ESPRIT - $79.90 BD
Pants from ZARA - $89.90
Shirt from DOMANCHI - $69.90
Pullover from DOMANCHI - $49.90
- 12:14:00 PM;
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Today was a really bad day for me. Firstly i woke up and realised i didn't iron my formal wear so i have to iron last min and thus i missed POM tutorial. NVM. Then i scewed up my role play for CommSk2. NVM. Then i called Kimage to book haircut with James, but the person nvr take down my name and i thought she just wrote smth like "wash and cut" or smth. NVM. I went down and they didn't make an appointment for me. NVM. James still cut my hair for me and i'm quuiittee happy. Took a bus home and was feeling really down, everything just don't seem to be in place today. hais ..
Managed to install maple in my lappy again today but still cannot play, always crash. I also realised i'm not the only one facing this problem! Chin oso has the same problem when mapling and playing DotA. haha. =x
There're still some things which made my bad day but i shalln't mention everything. Pictures time !
haha . chin and me outsde LT19 !
lol guess which one is my hand!?!
sweeeeet lah!!!
background too bright dats why foreground like that
ahh this is much better (:
my last pic before haircut
- 11:50:00 PM;
Monday, February 05, 2007
knnbccb! wo de com hao crash bu crash jiu zai wo zui xu yao zuo project de shi hou crash. tmd lao chee bye. KNN !!! tm have to bring down to wisma to repair. CCB lah !
- 4:51:00 AM;
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Coffee do helps (: thankful that daddy got white coffee from sheena's mum, i'm now enjoying it and doing up my project without sleeping tonight. tml go sch confirm very restless. ):
Today we had CommSk2 summative test, and i was very shocked that Maybelle an Kat didn't turn up. The 2 ACEs in my class didn't come for test! I wonder what happened. Wilson said they're sick but both sick at the same time? Taken wrong food i guess? anw get well soon to the both of you, hope to see you tml, cos its the final chance to ask Govin abt the proj. Also LouLin treat bubble tea today; haha. She ordered a drink called "The Secret Recipe" from A1 bubble tea shop, and i'm not kidding, its really called "The Secret Recipe". lol
I went for 2 interviews today as well. Not gonna elaborate more about it. AND the unfrtunate thing that happened today was i did badly for my summative test. I know it myself lah okay. Anw, after sch i went to sebas' hse to watch "Battle of The Wits" and mapled for awhile. I'm gonna lvl by this week! =D *3 cheers for me pls* =x
ok here are a few photos ~
I swear this looks like Eric Sor but he denied that its him. lol
This is the shoe i'm gonna buy for CNY but its lik $169 -.- omgg
I really like this Buddha piggy bank, gonna get it soon, reasonable price too (:
This is what i've been doing while working during the weekends. haha dun employ me plsss
haha sebas as well. very naughty!!!
- 5:21:00 AM;