Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I'm really tired today, moodless in school and up till now. Lets share a few jokes? Here're a few deceiving quotes about girls.
1. Atheletic = Flat Chested
2. Matured = Old
3. Chronogically more advanced = Super Old
5. Not model thin = Circus Fat
lol . ok not funny at all. still very moody after the last msg received that started with "was with my ..." haiii
- 1:15:00 AM;
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Okayy, i've managed to change my blogskin already. Don't tell me its girly or what ok, i can't find any skin that's MANLY. School projects really suck big time and my attendence is like fuck. Anw, here's the update for illuzion night. (:
1st pic: Me . Kenton . HongYi - 2nd pic: Me . HongYi - 3rd pic: Me . CongHan - 4th pic: Me and Junning trying to french . Zhili and Kenji on background - 5th pic: Delvin . Me - 6th pic: Alex . Junning . Me - 7th pic: Me . Amanda - 8th pic: Me trying to kiss Linda - 9&10th pic: Me in the washroom after tio with a fucker - 11th pic: Everybody together, but where's CongHan!!!??? - 12th pic: Me just got home
That night was CongHan's farewell celebration cuz he's gonna be enlisted on friday, which is today. It was really fun, feels great to be spending time with this group of friends. Never failed to be full of nonsense, craps, vulgarities, cool voices when singing songs etc ..............
Opened 2 bottles of Chivas that night. Most of us were over the moon and some unpleasant things happened when we were about to go home. But anyway that loser went home already. haha. Cabbing is the worst nightmare so far, supper was great, and who says guys need girls to enjoy? That's bullshit.
Now at cousin's hse playing mahjong - sharing one leg with Cheryl. Tml still gotta go Funan to work with Sebastian. Pay cheque finally came, and there its gone for instalment already. haiiiiii Projects really suck big time and i think i'm soooo going to repeat this sem. I need to burn more incense. =D
- 12:49:00 AM;
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
All these pictures are taken at Illuzion on 24th Jan 2007. Details will be posted at a later date. Gotta rush up my f&b now. And there's smth wrong with the html code, will edit later in the night. (:

- 10:51:00 PM;
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
haha finally got the photos. stole them from shufang's blog. =x

haha this is the Gucci bagthat i've been talking about. I'd feel heart pain to spend on smth like this but since ShuFang's a princess then ...
The one in check-er-ed is SiYun, right side bottom in black is BaoYing, center is b'day girl ShuFang. The others i dunno le. Sry! =x
Haha, here's a uber lame pick up line that i suddenly thought of.
The relationshi between you and me is just like France and Red Wine; Chicken Rice nd Chicken; India and Indians =x okok no racism okayyy
- 1:15:00 AM;
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I'm so fucking bored today, been staying at home the whole day doing nothing except for mopping my floor and washing the clothes. haii let me think of somethink to crap about.

Ok, first lets see a picture i took on friday. In that pic, the one in white is CongHan (very handsome, go sweet smelling perfume), one in red is me, one in black is Alex (macho, humorous, crappy), one lady is ShuFang. That day was her birthday, celebrated at Coffeeclub Express, the one beside california fitness gym. haha
First we sat down and chit chat about alot of crap. Shufang really funny, she bought a Gucci bag and retained the receipt in it, its like she's afraid that people might just know its fake or smth, but no lah, its real. Den Alex took over the bag, examined it, and proclaimed: wah, craftsmanship not too bad ah! grade A+. haha (for those who don't get the joke, he was trying to say that the bag is a fake. LOL)
There're another 2 girls who were also there: Siyun and Baoying. I'm currently trying to get their pictures from shufang but she very selfish, only want me to post her pic nia. Nvm lets talk about them first. SiYun was wearing a check-er-ed shirt and we kept saying it was ahlian. haha. Plus she had this verycute haircut, whereby in front straight cut and all that. Actually it was quite nice lah, her face kinda magnified her teeth. =x
Then there was BaoYing. She gave Shufang this very cute bear, where when you press the tummy the bear will sing a birthday song. (sidetrack abit, i'm getting bored of long postings; haii) Plus there' this heavy book which i didn't manage to take a look at, an everything was put nicely in this cube. Very nice! haha I wanted to bring it home actually but Shufang face like not happy with me playing her present so ya, returned to her in the end.
Then the 3 of us (Conghang, Alex, Me) decided to buy Shufang a birthday cake since we didn't get any presents for her. So we went to see what cc-express has to offer. There was chocolate cake (shufang is already complaining that she's *ahem*), and a cream puff, and a carrot cake with mango (if i didn't rmb wrongly). So we got the carrot cake since it wasn't fattening.
Then we teased Shufang when she was making wishes, and Alex blew the candle before she could even do anything. haha! Then the 3 of us were argueing over who should pay for the cake. It was really bad lah, doing this in front of Shufang, but i swear it was funny. We decided t guess her weight and the one furthest had to pay for it. I guessed 52kg and i was no where close to the actual answer. Shall not say wat the other 2 guys guess but i tell you it was no where close to mine as well. So ended up i had to pay or the cake. -.-
Ok that is the end of this post. Events after this is really sinful . Hints are included in the previous post already; cya!
- 11:04:00 PM;
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Chill . Kb . Cb . Labelling . Henessys V.S.O.P . Barcardi Dry . Green Tea . Coke . Okiee . Direction . 5/10 . River Valley Prata . Fights . Huggs . Brushes . Diaos .
It was a sinful night at Zouk + i let my cousins down
Physical body at Zouk, heart at Coffee Club express
~ SIGH ~
But it was hell of a night to remember still !!!

- 4:31:00 PM;
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Last night went to St James Power House with Delvin Alex Eugene and co. The music wasn't very nice, the chicks are like overaged, the drinks are expensive but the space is big and the sofa is comfy. I wonder if we'll go back there again. -.-
- 5:10:00 PM;
Friday, January 12, 2007
haha i finally finished my reflective journal.
when it comes to crapping i'm the best!
when it comes to last min work i'm the best!
when there is stress, there s quality work.
Chin will definitely agree with me on this. hahah!
- 3:05:00 AM;
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Spent the whole day at home today. Did up marketing, which almost cost me all my mood, laundry sucks, ironing is a chore, and totally forgot to mop my floor. -.- Things got better when sis bought dinner back for me and i watch Naruto while having dinner.
Halfway through dinner HP rang. Saw Delvin's number and i knew it wasn't anything good. Ask me go Cine play Billiard at 11pm!!! Then went Box for free cause Amanda won lucky draw, so we just had to pay for the drinks. But singing didn't really go well cause almost everyone were out of voice. haiiissss ..
Nicole owes me big time!!! MANY MANY!!! A meal, being a maid in school, and one night of company. wahahaha ~
- 3:31:00 AM;
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
I'm really having a rough start for 2007. My mum is gonna bug me to sell the house already since they're divorced for like 7 years. Fuck. I want this home.
- 12:07:00 AM;
Friday, January 05, 2007

- 11:55:00 PM;
First day of school was shit. I thought i wanted a fresh start and not be late anymore so i woke up super early to meet delvin for breakfast. Then things start to screw up. First i thougt it was monday when it was wednesday. Then i wanted to go to school for the wed afternoon lessons when suddenly my friend called to say everything was cancelled. Nvm, then i found out there was french and i didnt bring french txtbook at all. -.- How bad can things get?? So we went town for shopping and stuff an wasted the whole day away.
Each time i think of CDS i'll g urhhhh -.- boring. Well, i was wrong. World issues and french wasnt that bad afterall, it just that i have to talk more to ppl whom i dont know and i realise that there're actually many friendly people out there! Haha. French is really fun though, not considering having the speaking test coming up soon lah. And World Issues is totally crappy with Mike beside me. We were suppose to imagine ourselves walking in a rainforest and describing what we saw, in pairs of 2. Of course i paired up with Mike. So here's what we wrote: I saw the sexiest people of the native tribe. Then hunted an enangered animal, had a feast of insects with the native tribe, fought for food with the anteater, rode a gorilla, rested at a waterfall full of carcasses. O.o
Today i was really bad. Dont wanna talk much about it. I ps-ed one of my very good brother. Its BROTHER okay. Sorry bro, it wasn't intentional. Swear it wn't happen again.
- 11:08:00 PM;
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
School's starting in exactly 7 hours time. I wonder how it'll be like this sem? Projects and everything is patiently waiting for me in school and i strongly believe joanne is waiting to scold me already. My body clock is still screwed and that means i haven't been sleeping last night.
Alright bryan, here's what you do. Attend school punctually later. Pay attention to lectures/wadevers and not the people arnd you. Smoke when you're free, get everything done over with and head home. Steady ..
- 7:10:00 AM;
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
This year's New Year countdown was a little more special. Since we had so much liquor and pubs for the whole week, we went to book a hotel room instead. At first was hotel rendezvous but only premiun rooms left, so we went to Amara instead. $230+++ So we had 1 Absolute Vodka, 2 Scotch Whiskey and 3 other Whiskey. Partied the whole night with over 20 ppl. Hah the girls are so drunk and blabbering nonsense all night long. & just as i had expected, hangover. My monday was totally screwed up because i wasn't able to be myself. No apptite for dinner, no mood for computing, smoking was also boring. Things became better at JunHao's hse bbq party. The Barcardi again -.- Thank goodness my tummy isn't showing.
Also, tried Cigars for the first time in my life. Vanilla and Choco flavour. Not bad at all!!! =D School is starting tml. AHHHHHHH .. How i wish i have unlimited amt of money and everyday is holiday. I'd prolly drink myself to death -.-
Vanilla Cigar (Smoking at Starbucks)
My new hair, kida sucks though.
- 8:38:00 AM;