Friday, December 29, 2006
After a week of madness and drinking, i finally fell sick. -.- This happens at such a bad timing because there's still New Year's Eve countdown! Plus DXO tonight, conghan having party. I'm down with fever flu and sore throat. Shivered with cold the whole night at leon's chalet, came hom slept the whole night, and tada ~ fever's gone. More liang teh for my naughty throat and party here i come!
- 3:16:00 AM;
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Jus came back from Illuzion Pub at Neil Road. Was spending quality time with junning delvin junhao eugene and some other friends. It was hell of a night. Really brings back memories of the past where we used to play like this every other day. Guys, thank you for tonight, i really enjoyed myself. Hope we can get to go out like this more often in future. Anw my head's spinning right now; gotta go slp already. Will update again later in the day ba. Tml have to do spring cleaning and prepare for xmas, evening meeting Miya she gonna pass me xmas present! haha thanks girl ~
- 4:22:00 AM;
Friday, December 22, 2006
Last night didnt sleep again, luckily today project meeting was cancelled. Ytd went SimLim with Sebas to get my Warcraft3 Battle Chest, den my com dun let me play =( wad else could get worst ..
Later going ahma hse to eat tang yuan .. haha .. Oh ya forgot to mention, ytd say jiamei and yayuan at bugis village. So surprised! lol
Christmas coming, everyone's asking me out but which side should i go? Its so ma fan when you have different groups of friends and they dont wanna go out together as a group. hais ..
- 6:18:00 PM;
Thursday, December 21, 2006
When there's school there're always events and friends asking you out almost every other day. Now holidays are here and it seems so bored, everyone has no plac to go, and even if there's a place to go its sure to cost alot of money to spend there. So wad the heck?!!
Bro ah, you really can dota very well leii. I seriously need to try and play like you already whichis gonna take me prolly another thousand years? maybe
and the other bro, enjoy your life!! lols
urghh .. just spent $120 on a bangle .. wasted $130 on food at a reataurant the other day. i'm so dead right now .
- 4:06:00 AM;
Monday, December 18, 2006
My aunt told me money cant solve everything. I want to tell you, without money you can do nth either.
I suddenly had the urge to blog abt money. I was just abt to order mac delivery when i took out a $50 note from the drawer an started staring at it. Why did it takeso long for me to feel this pain, this indescribable pain in my heart that money is hard earned. Staring at seriel number on the note and seeing the number 50, i realised how much that blue paper is worth. and to think that i can simply take it out and give it to bartenders without secon thoughts, i feel kinda stupid right now.
Some of the notes were given by my grandma, and they are still crisp plus the number is running in order. Why can someone give money so easily since its hard earned? Simply put, love. The worry she has and longing-ness to see me, but yet couldn't give much, thought that money might be what i need. Some parents who are so rich they think money is all their children needed. Those parents who barely make it think that family love is all their children needed for growing. There are others who simply couldnt care less, no money & no love. I figured that love is fundamental and money enhances, and this money, sure doesnt come easy.
I'm having my holidays now, as usual i should be working and earning money for my reckless spending habit. But i want smth different this holiday. I want to spend more time with my grandma, spend less, and understand the value of money.
Phew, pls dont bother abt wad is written. Once in a while wild and confused thoughts come to my mind. There're so many things i cant make them out straight so it seems rather confusing and contradicting. For now, i'm going to order Mac and continue Naruto. Tml is a brand new day, brand new start, forget abt the thoughts that striked me 5 mins ago, and continue trading money for some junks.
- 2:45:00 AM;
Sunday, December 17, 2006
My eye-rings are back laa. =( 2 days, 82 episodes of Naruto, surviving on instant noodles. gosh i feel so happy and occupied! lol Supposed to go MOS with chris but i'm stuck on vcds.
ok enough said, i have to go cook noodles and continue with my show le. cya!
- 8:48:00 PM;
Friday, December 15, 2006
Finally the term tests are over! Hurray =)
So now i have to get WC3 disks and chiong Naruto series right from no.1. And work start tml, no time to waste yea. Other than these i guess this holiday is pretty much boring. Plus there aren't any nice movies to watch and no money for shopping.
Hope everyne goes to Leon's chalet on the 27th. Oh ya, tml MOS. Christmas Eve Chocolate Bar. New Year Eve some other pubs. I'm so looking forward to Christmas. hehe
- 6:47:00 PM;
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I was supposed to be studying whole day ytd but i ended up staring at the tv screen for the whole night till abt 11pm. Then i felt like watching a movie, but didnt manage to find someone to watch with me. I didn't mind watching alone though, but sebas suddenly told me his dad wantsme to go fishing with him. At midnight?!? Hell yea.
Fishing wasn't that bad actually. Uncle caught a rather big cat fish and we're having it for dinner tonight. =) Then for the first time in my whole entire life, i saw a shooting star, it was somewhat green in colour, and of course we made a wish. I hope my wish will come true .. pls
To 1H03: Be it my close friends, or those on loggerheads with me, or even those that i hardly ever have any interactions with like yk, all the best for the upcoming tests. May you guys strive for the best you can and achieve your dreams. =) Fernandiz, pls be number 1.
It's been so long since the last picture posting ..
International buffet with 11 guys - Farewell ChimBoon Army
Me LeongChuan & Angus
Me LeongChuan Angus & ChimBoon
- 4:58:00 PM;
Friday, December 08, 2006
Your Kissing Technique Is: Perfect

Your kissing technique is amazing - and you know it.
You have the confidence to make the first move.
And you always seem to know what kissing style is going to work best.
Sometimes you're passionate, sometimes you're a tease. And you're always amazing!
- 10:39:00 PM;
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Today i went for international buffet with Angus, ChimBoon and Co. It was really nice, but a little too pricey - $40 per pax. -.- BUT i swear it was really nice la. We had loads and loads of Sashimi and Oysters (RAW!!!) and lots of red wine, plus drinks that were served in test tubes. LOL After that we played at a fountain just beside the restaurant and got ourselves all wet! It was really fun having 11 guys together, without any females. You know, i've always wanted to have this kinda company, its not that i'm really gay and can only click with girls. So many people misunderstand. Its just that football is not my cuppa tea and oogling at girls in certain manner is rude, thus leaving a gap between me and some guys. Well, i hope for more of this kinda outings in future yea! 3 Cheers to Angus and ChimBoon!!! (and bro, good luck to you for army on sat (= )
After reaching home i actually wanted to study and do up some of my laundry, but i came across Howl's Moving Castle. My reason for blogging is actually because of this show. Its soundtrack is very emotion stirring, and the show is sure touching. I think i'm lagging behind time, but for those who hasn't watch it be sure to catch it soon yea. =)
I bought 2 little things from Esprit. (dark maroon and ocean blue)
- 9:22:00 PM;
Monday, December 04, 2006
i finally recovered my passport hours ago. all i have to say is its not entirely her fault, neither is it entirely my fault. i want to thank her for keeping me safe for this whole time, but pls, from this time on, fucking stay out of my life. you have your own opinions, i have my own way of living. dont always think that you have to make things right, make things fair, make things the way you think it should be, let nature take its course. if i'm meant to die, i'm meant to die, dont stop me from my destiny. mind your own business, try to have a luxurious life instead of just making ends meet, and fucking respect my dad regardless of any stituation.
and just for your info, the fact that i agreed to retract the police statement, sit down and talk to you nicely, controlling myself of my anger, you have to thank your son. if i do not have such a close cousin, you think i dont dare challenge you in court? you think i'll give you face just because you're related to me? you're right, dont underestimate me, but again you've underestimated me. i am not the boy who is scared of consequences you used to know. if i'm all out to do smth, i make sure i get it. yes, i'm the type of person who wants things done right now right here right then, the world is like this, i am like this, if i dont bother about your character, neither should you. one last final thing, dont ever comment anything about my friends because you dont have the right and moreover you dont know them at all. same goes for my parents and my grandmother.
if i have to type everything out, it'd be neve ending. so be a good dog, stay in your kennel, lick your own bone, and dont bother about wads going on outside - because the minute you're out, you never fail to bring trouble and trouble and more trouble to people around you. but anyway, thank you for your concern for me.
- 4:16:00 AM;