Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Short Sentences
-Today i fucking screwed up my IntHT paper. Lost 25 marks already. Fuck you bryan!
-Went smoking with Aloy and Kenneth after exam.
-Saw Cassandra's fringe, nice.
-Saw her today, heartbreaking.
-Chin is still mapling away.
-I don't have time to study for RHT.
-I'm too tired to start mugging for econs.
-She didn't reply my message.
-Lesson at SSDC was crap.
-Tomorrow meeting at 9am.
-I wish you good luck wj, for tomorrow's paper.
-Last but not least, i can't stand people who give those kinda smart alac look.
- 12:01:00 AM;
Saturday, August 26, 2006
OB paper was okay, i'm happy that i managed to do the paper without much problem. Except that i threw away 10 marks for the skills part. This is the happy thing. Sad thing, i only managed to see her for 5 seconds. O.o 2 seconds when i went into the room to put my bag, another 3 seconds after the paper and then she just vanished. Sighh . hh . hh
Suppose to study econs after OB paper but ended up at PC Bunk with Chin, Mel, Kat and Viv. Yay i leveled up again! Hehex. Had dinner with Chin at pepper rice. Really great food, thanks Chin! Reached home to realise that air con gas has run out so no air con until the serviceman comes. Sian ah ..
Today's work was SUPER bored. My nose just wouldn't let me off la, kept sneezing the whole morning. Plus the weather is so freaking hot and i only managed to study one lecture for IntHT. Tml have to buck up le bryan!
I'm pretty surprised she replied me, not once but twice! Really shocked. Wonder if i should reply, i'm afraid of pissing her off again. =(
- 9:45:00 PM;
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
I slept my day away today. Woke up at 12 suppose to study. So i went to bath and ate cereals. After dat i fell asleep on the sofa till now. Feel so guilty can, i wanna make up for today, i wanna turn back the time, but i can't. =( Hais, fuck it, i'm going to gym now, cheer myself up.
- 6:00:00 PM;
Work during the weekend was crap. I basically slacked all the way can. Plus there are so much hersheys that now i dun dare to eat hershey kisses anymore le. LOL I even had the time to study for exams, during work!
Happy day =) In the afternoon went to BodyDecor @ The Heeren Shops to colour my tattoo! Finally after 3 years my scorpion got colour already. Hehex. Thanks alot Gerard! Though its a little ex but i find it worth it bah, his skills are very good, and he's one sided eye only. Impressive huh?!? =) Kat and Chin went with me, thanks guys.
After dat went to find Fel and Chong @ Cineleisure. Had lunch at Cartel then K Pool-ed all the way till evening. Pool is super fun today =) Fel play like &^$# i dunno wad to say =X Hahas. But she's just funny la, and she won me.
Stupid Esprit shop. There are 365 days in a year and they decided to have their annual dinner and dance when i'm damn in the mood for shopping. Sian half sia. So we had dinner at Orchard Hawker then Chin and i went PC Bunk maple. I wasted 80k mesos cos i didn't know barlog was back. SIAN!
Now i'm back at home and my com just hanged 8 times. It doesn't allow me to play games basically. So i cant play. Tml gotta stay home study! Bryan jia you =)
Doreen's hair is very nice that day but she shy O.o

Look at the amt of Hersheys!!!
Colour halfway .. . ..
Finish le! Nice ma? I think its nice. =)
There's nth wrong witht eh tail, its the shading.
The colour is fucking solid la. After 1 month still gotta go touch up abit. *winks
- 1:46:00 AM;
Saturday, August 19, 2006
These few days no pics due to uninteresting life. I was rather happy that we finished the CommSk1 project in just 2 days and we're the first to submit. Felt so very relieved. =) Wednesday i happened to pass by TP's lounge and went to play pool. i totally suck at it now, after such a long time since i last played. I practically lost all the games on that day. So ytd went out with Chin, Leon and Wilson to Bedok. We played cued for about 3 hours and had dinner before heading home. Good news is i spent only $1 today and i own the pool table, so i can say i got back most of my skills already, but still need to brush up on my center pocket. Bad news is i kept spending money! I withdrew $20 ytd and today i went to withdraw another $20. O.O
Just came back from Tampines Gym with Leon. Today we spend the longest time at the gym without even realising la. We practically gym for 3 hours and 10 mins. I'm proud to say, now not just women have got cleavage, Leon and i also have le. =D I did alotalotALOT of chest press today and the results are satisfying. Now i just gotta eat MORE to gain the mass. Therefore Leon and i have decided to eat every 4 hours. Well hope it works!
These few days got morning calls from Cassandra, hahas. She seriously woke me up early in the morning although she doesn't need to wake up so early la. Lets talk about the class now. I think everyone's getting problems already. Here break up la, there quarrel la, here diao there diao. Sigh, is this really my class or just a passing stop? Anw i gotta start studying, everyone's like buried in books and i'm still here playing arnd. >.<
Updates for work:
1. I'm working for the upcoming IT Show that will be held at EXPO.
2. After that IMF starts and i'll be working through the whole of September.
3. After IMF i got a Motorola Survey job. Basic $1000. =P
4. Lastly, Prudential called me up today asking me to work. Nvr try insurance before, dunno how it'll turn out. Thank you KaiJun for referring me. =)
- 12:08:00 AM;
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
There are so many gossips but so little time to spare. I shall try to keep it short and sweet. The IMF training during the weekends are SUPER FUN! "Coffee, Tea or Me? *****" Hah thats for you Wilson. "I swear you can go home fucking screw your mum la ahneh." Thats from Aloy to Denish. "Can help me pour some tea sweetie? I need to go to the ladies." From ***** to Wilson. I tell you, there're so many jokes that happened i can nvr finish typing. All i can say is 5 Orgian Knights + Aloy & Co. = Fucking Horny Crappers.
Today got to know a new handsome dude, Felix. He's Aloy's friend, dunno wad course he from la. Anw he brought me to a new place to smoke which is at the reservior. I seriously didn't know i could access there from our school! *turtle* Felix and Aloy so look like a gay couple, something like a larger version of Wilson and Me. LOL But you ppl MUST know this, its only a joke, none of us are gays. To put it in a VERY ugly manner, we wouldn't wanna scrifice a virgina for an asshole.
The word fuck is like getting into the trend nowadays. I swear every single sentence that comes out of Aloy's mouth will have the word fuck, Fuck here fuck there, in and out, left and right, upside-down, whatever shit you name it man. Plus everyone's hot on pool. I just played Yahoo! Pool with Wilson online. We betted and i won $2.50. Ahaha ~ Tml got free Curry Chicken Rice and drink =P Nani-nani-poo-poo dear ~
Its the quality that counts, not the quantity. This applies to sleep as well. That's why sometimes i can sleep for 3 hours but still feel energetic the next day.
Dear (as in Wilson), know where you're heading. Don't let your vision be blurred because of passing clouds. If you wanna have a fun ride on the cloud, know what you're doing. Know when to hang on tightly and fuck arnd, when to let go and pretend innocence. Remember the sun will rise the next day, her rays are able to outshine the clouds. Don't cling on to the clouds for too long or the sunshine will be shone upon you. I'm behind you my dear, all the way.
- 1:17:00 AM;
Sunday, August 13, 2006
There was a BCS test on friday. While the guys were trying very hard to study, they ended up crapping and laughing their way through. I was asking leon, keefe, kenny, chin and wilson, if we circumcise when we're very young, will our foreskin grow back as our dick grows? Guess what leon said? "You think your dick is a cocoon ah!?" LOL That was like WTF?! My dick is no cocoon okay, neither is it a moth or butterfly, kenny and keefe. I really cannot take it man, its so fun and crappy when we guys are together. Sadness will turn to joy, tears will be filled with laughter. I also remembered i was too bored during lecture, and i asked Kat if i could touch her. -.- Then she pointed middle finger at me. Hahas BTH!!! 1H03 rocks !!! Not really actually ..
I got to know a few new friends during the IMF training. They are Cassandra, Aloysius, Kenneth and the bangala, thats what Aloy calls him la, i cant rmb his name. Aloy and com is another bunch of crap. They keep joking like nobody's business man. They're fun!
Went to watch fireworks display just now. It was fantastic. With the music from the boats, the ambience was just great. I felt like nothing else matters, and i somehow thought of her. Anw i hope there won't be conflicts among our classmates in future.
- Do you like Cheese? -
One of the worst thing that can happen is to add someone in friendster and accept someone in msn and not reply to that pity fellow.
- 12:28:00 AM;
Monday, August 07, 2006
Last 2 days of work was a total slack. Eric came and both of us practically sat there the whole day la. On sunday i even went for a haircut during work. It was a total disaster for me. I went Tony & Guy since Heeren was just next door and the lady told me $80 for normal cut and $90-$120 for executive cut. WTF!? That kinda money i can dye my hair as well can! So i went Reds Hairdressing at Taka instead. The hairdresser's name was penny. She totally sucks to the core. Cut my hair halfway go cut another girl's hair without even telling me anything. Nvm, when she came back she forgot where she stopped she she started to cut anyhow, anyway. End up, my hair looks like cock now. But hack la, it'll grow back de. =)
I just realised that GIRLS ARE OUTDATED now. The whole world is actually concentrating on guys now. The guys are in trend and its the "IN" thing now. Wanna know why? Here's it: Florescoproductions is looking for pleasant looking chinese, pan-asian, indian and caucasian GUYS for photoshoot in August. This is not the only one, there're many more companies out there doing the same thing but i just name one since it's printed the biggest size on the coverpage. They don't even want to find girls anymore la. Don't tell me they need guys instead of girls, excuses. What's more, Brazilian Body Wax is catered for GUYS. Hunks out there dun feel shy to go for wax, you should feel proud of it cos girls dun get to enjoy these kinda treats! This Brazilian Body Wax is by Manifico located at 69 Spottiswood Park Road. Also, spa centres are no longer interested in girls anymore. There're more and more spa outlets opening that are just for GUYS. Here's a few for you to check it out:
(1) Oasis The Holistic Mens' Spa located at 11A Trengganu Street (2) Nature Forest SPA located at 62B Pagoda Street (3) Synergy just men located at 17 Hong Kong street (4) Oceanic Body Care located at B2-19/20 Lucky Chinatown (5) whitetouch REVIVAL STUDIO located at 200B Telok Ayer Street and (6) Jue2 (the chinese word for jue de the jue) located at 48D Mosque Street. To spice things up, following up is a must go cum must try service. (1) Asian Chic Massage Service. Their slogan is 'Feel Our Oriental Touch. LOL No add given but can call @ 6789-0028. (2) Silk Stoking Massage Service. Slogan: 'Yes, we come in stockings' Tel: 6542-7084 (3) Black Thong Massage Services. Slogan: 'Ladies in things...' Tel: 6785-7119 (4) Healthy Body Massage for men located at 49 Temple Street (5) Asian Latina Massage Services. Tel: 6475-0286
Not forgetting, there are more and more men's specialised fashion studios now. I'll go find out at least 10 and update you guys. Vain guys are not gays. Guys have the right to doll up as well. We can also go for facial, wash our face 3 times daily, do masks at home, go for eyebrow trimming and medicure pedicure (exclude the mail polish part) as well. Just look at how we guys can indulge in personal grooming without having to feel shy or anything since its the 'IN' thing now. So next time girls out there dun come and tell us you don't need guys, the fact is WE DON'T NEED YOU.
- 10:53:00 PM;
Friday, August 04, 2006
This whole week is basically about waiting and waiting every night. Not forgetting the projects that are all due tomorrow. Can you imagine us staying back every night to rush through our projects? I can, i don't want to. Mon i waited till 8pm, tues 730pm, wed 845pm, thurs no waiting. Well i did get to see her on tues thou =)
Its so satisfying today. Wilson and sum-ed up the whole Microecons project and it looks neat and pretty! (Actually there are loads of crap in there =X) But still, its the most satisfying project i've done so far.
Actually i don't really want to blog today. Somehow got this phobia of typing things already. I think its due to projects, especially Microecons.
Something great happened on tuesday night. The unexpected happened but i think i screwed things up. I sent the wrong msg bah, or should i say i phrased my msg wrongly. Anw anonymous said she doesn't like me so, urghh.
Can you people guess who this is? Its retarded! =X
Just look at what projects had done to us.
- 12:05:00 AM;