Saturday, July 29, 2006
As far as i know, i feel that TP teachers are all very nice and neat. Especially Miss Pauline Lau, her bigbig eyes and the smile like there's no tomorrow just makes lesson so much more fun. Sometimes when we tell dirty jokes you could see from her face that she wants to laugh out loud but she's just controlling it. haha
I almost got debarred from exams today, shall not mention any further for some people might think that the teacher is unfair. Anw thank you for your grace teacher =) *smilez
Today did project till the sun went home. Kat and company (pussy clan) bought a birthday cake for Chin to commemorate his 17th birthday. Aren't they nice? Nobody buys me anything on my b'day =X He shared his cake with Melissa and thats sooo sooo veryvery sweet! I swallowed 3 mouthfuls of the thick and fattening cream at the top, it taste so ******* nice! Wilson says he's feeling guilty for the cream he ate. haha Dear don't be such a gu niang la. =P
Red suits you. In fact anything suits you. Its feels great to see you after so many days of non-stop missing. Hope you get your beauty sleep during the weekends cos my classmates are all lacking of quality sleep. Speaking of that i shall go get my beauty sleep now. Goodnights people =) *cheers
New undies from Body Gloves. Just look at the colours!!!
- 1:01:00 AM;
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Projects after projects, what else can i say. You thought its the end of a project the minute you finish your presentation, but there you are, another new project to work on. Well, in the midst of all these hard work, if you ask me what have i learnt out of it i would tell you this: "Its not the end product of the presentation that matters, its the process in group discussions, the many errors committed, edits after edits and finally - a bad piece of work.". LOL Its really fun doing projects with Wilson and Chin. Not forgetting Carolyn and Melissa who tried to crap with us as well. Sometimes we just have to find joy in doing things that tire us, things that we hate to do, that way we'll find pleasure doing them instead yea?
I also want to comment on my pimples. They're like migrating to my face like nobody's business can. This is due to insuficient sleep and rest, plus sometimes i just knock out on my sofa without even bathing! That means i never wash my face too la. Next morning i wake up to see new 'friends' camping on my face. I said camping because they'll be gone soon, REALLY SOON!
School was fun today. Miss Lau commented that i looked good in her office, she likes my shirt too =) Thanks Miss Lau. After school went gym with Keefe and Leon. Overall 7/10 for today. You might be wondering where the 3 marks went to. 1. The gym was a little too crowded, i had to wait for my turn to get the dumbells that i wanted. CRAP! 2. There wasn't enough time for my to complete my sets as the pool closes at 9pm. 3. I'm not really satisfied with today's progress; its a little too insignificant. Gym-ming this thursday again! =D
Here's a piece of good news: Marcus (my cousin from law management) pass his TP today! Congrats bro =) As for me, i've failed my TP once already, this thursday is my 2nd try. Don't really have confidence in myself. Well .. . ..
There's progress but i doubt you people can see it from this picture. Anyways . .. .
What does this tell you? SEXY!
Devil with halo or Angel with devil's heart, you deicide =p
- 12:24:00 AM;
Saturday, July 22, 2006
1h03 = cool dudes!
Wilson's green Puma shirt is really attractive
Do we look alike? Why are the teachers all getting mixed up with us?
Have you people watched Titanic? This is the gay version.
Cute ma? Our Mr Metrosexual =P
This spells UGLY.
I feel like trimming my eyebrows. Comments anyone?
1.Shi-ma-ka-neh! 2.Haik! 3.CHO-TO-MA-TEH!!! =P
This whole week had been so busybusy. Happy things happened, and so did unhappy events occurred. Shall just highlight the main points bah~ Wilson's thinking is 90% same as mine now; whatever i or he is thinking, the other person will think of the same thing as well. This is pretty scary to a certain extent but i love it! Belle made my day during the week; thanks belle =) Some people has something up their sleeve, don't know what the hell that person is up to. I managed to catch Pirates Of The Carribean with Wilson! Its a must watch i tell you. My muscles had been aching throughout the whole week, gasps~
Last night went clubbing with my dad in M'sia with his friends. Finally managed to relieve some stress. Projects projects the whole week, i could hardly catch my breathe. Tomorrow shall be a better day =)
Finally, i just hope that she doesn't get the wrong idea, i'm not one of the stalkers. In fact i did not even tag her board at all; not even once!
Wilson, tell me what i'm thinking of now. *giggles*
- 11:13:00 PM;
Sunday, July 16, 2006
This has been the third week i'm without rest already. Today my job scope is a little different, instead of going The Adelphi, i'm at the Citibank booth next to The Heeren. Selling the latest HP Notebook, the one you people often see on television, where the guy only show his hands and do wonders with them. Plus the latest iPAQ 6965 and a Media Centre PC. Weather was bad but still tolerable. Sheena worked with me today, she's so pampered la, everything also complaincomplain, totally C.M.I. I think her profession in future would to be a taitai and no more no less! I got to know a handsome hunk named Gileon, he stays in Yew Tee =)
Early in the morning i ran from Bukit Panjang to YewTee to meet Gileon for gym. He taught me a few new things, then we swan for awhile before i headed home; on a bus (no strength to run anymore!). Today's weather is fucking bad, can you imagine that i'm a little tan now, i roll up my sleeve you can see 2 tones of colours!!! I didn't even go to the beach can, i was working and i can get tanned, can you imagine how hot the weather was back then?? Somemore today's date is already the 16th and i still haven get my pay cheque. If i don't get it by next week i gonna fly aeroplane for my boss already. *nananipoopoo*
1. Belle visited me on Saturday, she totally made my day =) Thanks belle ~
2. I bought a new underwear from PS, its totally sexy!
3. I've came up with a gym plan that i'll definitely carry out.
4. I'm gonna become an Esprit member soon =D
yO! this is totally sexy, the butt area can see through! and its silky material makes you steam =X
No comments, just wait for the results
- 11:39:00 PM;
Friday, July 14, 2006
This is bad, really bad. 2 weeks back i attended RHT and BCS lecture on thursday but she wasn't there; last week she attended i couldn't make it; yesterday i came but she was nowhere to be found. What's worst, i didn't see her today as well. IT HAS BEEN 2 DAYS ALREADY CAN! :( Plus i won't be able to see her on Saturday and Sunday, this is adding on to the misery.
Good for Belle lo, 1 more week and she'll be able to msg her eye candy, at least she's got a time frame, i don't even have one.
School yesterday and today was o~k. Yesterday went TM with Sheena and we went to The Hokkaiddo Fair! I had a bowl of don't know what white curry noodles thingy, but it was great, and had Apple Sherbet + Black Sesame ice cream, its really .. YUMMY!
Today i missed econs in the morning. I woke up at around 7am with my legs aching dunno why, so i went back to sleep and only woke up at 12pm. After school Belle, Kat, Wil, Chin and i went for Swensens! Very full man, i feel myself gettng fatter; which is GOOD! =D
I've got work tomorrow beside the Citibank booth next to Heeren. As usual selling HP products lo, so boring. But no work means no money which also means
!@#^%$. I've got so many specifications to memorise by tonight, i don't think i'm gonna remember everything though. Wilson is so horny today, and leon also. Both fighting for Orgian King position, and both peeped at a girl's *censored*. Well dun get the wrong idea, not exactly peep la, its just that the blouse cutting was too low and they kept staring. Luckily i wasn't there because leon got demoted due to this issue. He bribed Wilson that if he kept quiet about it he'll promote Wilson to Orgian Knight again. WTH !!! Dear cannot naughty okiiee. Ciao ~
Had beer and loud music while rushing throught IntHT proj last night.
This is the Apple Sherbet and Black Saseme ice-cream from Hokkaiddo Fair!
I practically had ice cream this whole week, Wilson too ~
(RHT lecture on thurs) You see my chin there, got a new pimple =((
- 10:24:00 PM;
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I'm kinda lazy to blog nowadays so i'll just cut things short and post pictures. A pictures speaks a thousand words? I believe everyone had heard of this before.
Well, there's Commskil1 presentation today. Basically i shivered my way through, planned so many things but last minute cock up. Sigh =( After school went for dinner with Leon, Samantha, Keefe and Wilson; cheap food. Slept very early, Belle thought i MIA and msged me. LOL
5 Orgian Knights in full suit
Wilson is cool!
I love Wilson's teeth, they're so straight; i wonder if Wilson is straight =X
Cheese [1]
Cheese [2]
TPE jammed today. I sat on the bus till my butt cramped; really cannot take it. Usually morning rush hour jam will only occur after SengKang, today the jam started from exit after YioChuKang! Can you believe it. -_____-"" I thought i was the latest, but ChongHui and LiChun were later than me. LOL Econs lecture was bored but fufilling. During break went to Cheers to buy Delifrance Curry Chicken, when i came back the lecturer had already started. So i sat down and start to copy when i heard loud voices outside, suddenly she came in, i thought she'd enter from the other door la, so shocked i think my heart skipped a beat. Took some gay photos in lab today and slept through half of IntHT tutorial. BORED! Forgot to mention, our RHT tut teacher got mixed up between me and Wilson, we even exchanged IC to fake her; she's sooo cute!
bangbangbang; who died?
Leon's elbow almost squeezed my dick -.-
The lighting is good that's why we look good :)
I look stupid is this one
Maybelle took this; she loves candid!
- 6:52:00 PM;
Monday, July 10, 2006
As usual, i have to work on saturdays. Woke up at 8am in the morning and off to work i went. The crowd today was pretty bad, i managed to get 15 memberships though *claps* After work went for a haircut, and it took up so much of my time that i didn't have time to go get my underwears. Went to VHIVE to re-look at my glass table again. Well, all i can say is the design is nice, but the price is a little not so worth it. Then went to Harvey Norman to see my Samsung R7. Te price haven drop yet, i think after COMEX IT SHOW at Expo on 31 August i should have the money to buy le bah~ So now i just have to wait patiently. After haircut went to ahma house for durain! Hahas my ahma loves me la, she saved all the durain for me, she didn't even eat, ask her want or not she just keep asking me to eat. *touched* Headed home at around 10+, washed clothes, iron clothes, changed bedsheet, everything ended at 3am. GOSH!
There is suppose to be work today, but i overslept. =X Anyway its a good thing cause i finally have the time to finish up my IntHT project and send to Carolyn. Help daddy pack the living room and threw away alot of unwanted stuff. My neighbour was so funny, she asked me if we're shifting house, den i asked her she can't wait for us to move isit. HAHA. At aroung 6+ my dad went with me to Takashimaya Shopping Centre. Got a pair of leather shoes and a tie. I just realised that when a guy wants to shop, he can be really fickle minded at times too and it took me 2hours+ just to choose a pair of shoes and a tie. LOL And again, i didn't have time to get my underwear. Went to basicbeauty @ Heeren to get a bottle of hair wax then went to granny house for dinner le. Nothing much happened there la, granny was pretty happy to see me =D After that i got home to prepare myself then went to Uncle Richard's house for WC Finals. YAY ITALY WON!!! WOOHOO~ Total deficeit for WC bets = $110. fuck
Today's BCS tutorial is as boring as it can get. Excel so such a chore, so many formulas for wad fuck. Its just crazy la, like what garfield love to say: I HATE MONDAYS! Sitting there for 3 long hours doing crap and thinking about IntHT lecture just makes me go crazy. During lecture everyone's pretty quiet today, cause its clean week so no one wanna joke le. I said a few wrong things and i got demoted, now i'm double-cum. -_____-"" After lecture went TM with Belle. She got a 3 quads from box and wanted to buy a shirt at FoxWomen but she said she'll get it tomorrow instead. The shorts really make her look like Mario. LOL And i promised to get her a red jumper to match with the shorts den she'll be the new-age Mario! =X Now i'm home le, just now happened to browse her friendster again and i saw one of her testimonials that said "he is such a turnoff", wonder if its talking about me. Sigh =( Anw, gonna bath after this and start on my tomorrow's presentation le. So cya people ~ Tomorrow is h03 handsome hunks day ^wee^
Razor Copperhead $127 i love my new mouse!
Gianni Valentino tie $68 =D
Wilson said this pair of shoe is nice. Kekex
- 10:33:00 PM;
Saturday, July 08, 2006
I over slept this morning, AGAIN. So i missed MicroEcons tut. When i got to school we discussed a little about OB, then went ITAS for lunch. Its such a coincidence that she's there also la! Wilson told me "ALERT! ALERT!" den i went "WHERE? WHERE?". Hahas it was lame.
Then its was OB lecture. I swear its super boring. So the Orgian Knights gathered and started crapping again. This time we were naming ourselves different oragans like intestines, heart and all those shit. And i volunteered to be the dickhead. -_____-"" *gosh
Kim did it again. She kept hitting me and i couldn't do anything about it lah. I swear she didn't hit me softly okay. When i tried to fight back she'll go "WEEEEENNNNN ~ ~ ~" den i keep quiet. Urghh .. I hope Wenjun doesn't get irritated, i didn't start this anyway.
CommSk1 was next den went home le. Good news: I re-stocked my cigarettes, thank you Uncle Richard. =) He's actually my dad's younger brother. Msn-ed straight away when i logged on. No doubts about it, tonight's conversation got my balls giggling all the way through. First i faked to be Doreen, then KerHui, followed by Melissa. Wilson and Chin took the role of me. Simply put it: Wilson & Chin changed their nick and dp to mine and i copied the other girls'. xD Tml i've gotta work again, this is the 3rd week i've not rested already, but well .. ..
1. Belle is in a bad mood today, she has pms. (Fact)
2. Kathleen also bad mood because of someone else, shall not mention.
3. My cousin's friend is crazy, she cut her tongue into 2!!!
4. Next week is clean week, so no dirty stuffs in school, its gonna be bored again without craps.
5. Had cartel with Belle, Kat and Viv this evening. Splendid i love my cheese!
6. My air-con is asking for money le.
7. Yes i'm missing her badly now, so is Belle missing xxxxx.
I think Wilson can be my next bro. Well, time will tell.
I changed my hairstyle but no one noticed it )=
Belle's pasta; look at the cheese tower! my creation =D
Sometimes i wonder if she gets freaked out if she knew i'm doing all these. But when i think of her i just tend to do these craps. sigh ..
- 1:47:00 AM;
Thursday, July 06, 2006
These few days had been really bad. First of all, i practically failed all my papers except Commskil1. Secondly, i was unable to sleep last night because of nervousness and anxiety. Then came the final blow - FAILED TP. I was like speechless for 2 hours this afternoon. I really don't know what to do, i was like, how could this be? When i went for lessons the instructor didn't commented anything! Then comes the silly part, when i got home i thought this is a nightmare so i quickly went to bed hopefully when i wake up its 6am again. But obviously it didn't work! The time was 215pm when i awoke, at first i felt like giving school a miss, then i remembered today there's a presentation and i can't leave Wilson to do it alone, moreover he'll be having troubles because
^#$%!@$#%#$%. Yupp you know what i meant =X
I would like to find out if i'm wrong, and please correct me, i want to learn, i will NOT feel angry or what ok, just tell me on my tagboard. Here's it, what is conscience? Is it a feeling? I was told its not!? I totally stunned for a min when i got shot back that its not right after i commented conscience is actually a feeling. Can someone kindly enlighten me please.
Last but not least, i have not seen wenjun for 2 days already. =( Its so sad la, Belle said she came to sch today, but last week i went for RHT and BCS lecture she didn't come, this week she turned up when i couldn't make it. *shakeshead Nvm, hope to see her tomorrow! I told Wilson if she happen to sit beside or near us i'd offer her the little fish MengYan brought today, its biscuits actually. Oh, not forgetting, MengYan has a new name; ISABELLE! =D People, please call her Isabelle from now on okay. =)
*No.86, please try again.
If only this is me and her. Ahh i'm daydreaming again *needn't care bout me
- 7:45:00 PM;
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
I don't know this guy either, but his shoulder's rather solid =X
I don't even know who the hell these people are!! Who cares, just snap!
We're in the licking business *licks
LOL i randomly pulled a guy in for picture and it so happened to be Kenny the lifeguard.
Aww look at the girls, they can't help themselves either!
Our tits are fascinating!
- 12:20:00 AM;
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Oh people i really gotta tell you this, my class can never get any lamer, not any hornier and not any crankier. I can't believe what i myself had been doing these days and i also cannot believe h03 would have such a day. (You guys should go read Kathleen's blog, i have her link.) According to Kat, Leon (horny), Wilson (vain pretty face), Keefe (macho), Chin (boiboi). Remember i told you we had an Orgy Clan? Now there's even ranking system!!! Keefe, Chin, Leon, Wilson and i are the 5 Orgian Knights of H03. I shall come up with a Clan Pledge and a logo soon. Btw, we're getting a customized shirt soon with our nicknames on it: Hot Horny Hunk (Leon), Kinky(Keefe), Horny Chiney(Chin), Willy Whanky(Wilson), Big Bang Bryan(Bryan). OMG i can't stand this any longer!!! *faints
Quotes from Kathleen's blog since her's is so interesting and i'm a little tired to blog: ya as u can seemy class's guys are super hornyhence the making of orgy clanahem i stress* gay orgy clanXD so ya during IntHT gawd i didn't knoe they were so fatuated by the lecturer they discussed about her cup and typical guy talk. tsk tsk innocent kat picked up a lot of unwanted words but ya kat had to warn leon about his horninessand he shld go home wank after lessons but well leon i can;t help it if u showed me free shownot that there's anything to see anyways(LOL) and bryan tsk tsk dun be infatuated by ur tits ki know u find them gorgeous and perfect but ya dun link it to maple story no link... wilson and his mirrors sighs really pretty boy face material keefe and chin are still acceptableexcept when they discuss about sexual stuffsk guys we all know ur dying to perform an orgyso ya we gurls have specially set a date, venue for u =)saturdaygay orgy partysentosaya so doooo come and lend support k 1H03 =)
1. Tml is weds which is now classified as the gossip day for belle kim and i.
2. After midnight tonight it'll be 1 more day to TP!
3. I wish she'll come for lecture tml, i hadn't see her for a day and i feel so lifeless.
4. I don't have time for my facial mask!
5. I gotta admit now that projects are really full time assasins.
6. Belle has decided to wait for 3 months. Jia you!
7. I bet $30 on different things on the match tonight. Germany vs. Italy.
8. I need new hot underwears. -_____-""
we're suppose to fake orgasm in this pic, Chin succeeded!
kisskiss baby, kisskiss
formal Orgian Knights
wilson so sweet!
- 11:25:00 PM;
Monday, July 03, 2006
School's pretty fun today. BCS started on new Excel, bye Dreamweaver, good to have you gone =D Then we had IntHT. Leon is so obsessed with the lecturer, he says she's got the curves. lol Remember our class has an orgy clan? I suggested to Leon that we recruit the teacher, then Keefe suggested that she'll be the orgy queen and leon be the orgy king. WTH !!! -_____-"" This class is getting eeeekkss!
Yupp she came today, wearing green. I realised she looks good in anything, be it black and white top; white top black bottoms; green top brown bottoms; whatever ~ she still looks good. Yay!
After school Maybelle, Wilson and i walked to Wilson's hse. Belle is so lazy, she keeps complaning about the distance and many other stuffs. And to her 3 months is long? lol Belle you can do it!!! 3 months only, 92 days, 2208 hours, 132480 mins, 7948800 secs and the clock's still ticking Belle ~ Count every sec - it'll be over soon okiiees ! *muackS!
Now i'm home washing clothes, ironing, vacuum, mopping, and i still gotta complete my CommSkil outline later. Well i guess tonight i'll be up late. ciiAoo ~
I'm not metrosexual wilson!!! Its seiyu-sexual =P
hah, i scribbled this and wilson says its abstract art. i'm genius!
- 10:13:00 PM;
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Morning met Marcus go SSDC book my RC and RR and he had to book his TP. I gotta pass my test next thursday! After that went to YioChuKang wet market for brunch (breakfast + lunch). On the way we planned to meet next week at Simpang Bedok, together with Angus, Richard, Sebastian, Frankie, Wilson and still more to come. Next Sunday WC Finals so its a must catch! Though i still think soccer sucks =X
After that went to work. What a surprise today. I was suppose to promote membership but ended up having to be the recept. Starhub customers are so unreasonable and impatient + greedy and stingy. The unexpected crowd today turned the whole Rewards Link topsy turvy. Simon had to make his way down to solve the problem. Some guys think they're so great and started fucking here and there -_____-"" If i'm not representing Rewards Link i'll make sure i fuck them upside down and make sure they don't ever want to come back again. The crowd became so rowdy that the police and press came down. WTH la, i was in a state of shock at that time when a customer said "you people are just cheating customers, say sign up woth starhub can get free phone now say out of stock, i'm going to call the press!". Don't be lame can Mr Asshole aka Sir CheeBye. Still dare to say he owns a big company and started babbling craps that don't make sense at all.
Daddy still sleeping away like a pig now, still ask me quickly come home then we go M'sia together. -_____-"" I have to get started on my CommSkil1 presentation but my eyes are cc~ll~oo~ss~ii~nn~gg ..
Classic Vespa @ SSDC
- 8:45:00 PM;