Thursday, June 29, 2006
This year Singapore will be holding IFM and World Bank Group meeting at Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhitbition Centre. I believe everyone knows about this, and i also believe that all of us know that Singapore is having a 4 million smiles campaign to welcome our deligates. So i hope all of us can help play a part by keeping a smile on our faces while we're walking alright? *cheers
Alright, away with the seriousness. This morning Joanne (not the tp one) called me and told me she managed to bring forward my Traffic Police Test date to next thursday 6 July '06 !!! Can readers please clap for me? I'm extremly x100 excited about this K! If i manage to pass, and hopefully i'll pass, i'll be able to get my Aprilia LATEST by next saturday, which also means i'm left with 1 week to take bus to school! Muahahaha ~ Doreen + LiChun, i think we should meet everyday to take bus to school, if not no chance already. =D *ohmyohmy
Pretty dissappointed today, didn't see her at any of the lectures. In fact i totally didn't see her the whole day. Wells ...
Tomorrow will be a better day, i hope. Not being able to see her for a day seems to be killing me can. Also i hope things can remain the way they are now, i don't want any progress nor do i want people to try to make things better. It might turn out otherwise and obviously i don't want her to think that i'm irritating and annoying. So ya, just remain like this i'm contented already.
Goodnights people! I've got a new pimple next to my nose, pain. Sweet dreams ~
- 11:19:00 PM;
I woke up at 530am this morning, last night slept at 830pm. Was super tired la. Yesterday's school was not right, totally! Started off the day by having to walk round the mushroom, thanks belle for informing me. Then Kim started to make fun la, like "belle lean back lean back ..", and after MicroEcon lecture she went "bryan i know your secret" so loudly i bet my grandma could hear her. -_____-""
Then was RHT tutorial. Halfway through Chin came "bryan you see the next next classroom", you all should know who was there la. Everybody was like trying to make a movie out of a play can. I feel so shameless and faceless now. So now i owe Maybelle a treat to Cartel if not she'll go "pls lorh, i help you so much okay!" So, OKOK you'll have your treat when both of us are free. =)
Wilson, thank you so much for doing the website for us. I'm truly grateful, i believe Melissa and XinChyr feels the same too yea? Regarding the BCS project it was so funny, i told the teacher we quarrelled with Joanne again and she deleted all the files, then she went "WHAT!?". hahas i cant stop laughing now.
The time is now 746am on my clock, gotta wake my dad up for work soon and i'll have breakfast with him later. Probably coffee eggs and bread again bah, but i love it as long as i'm eating with him.
Btw, Harley Davidson Singapore has invited Aprilia Riders Club to their BBQ at Leng Kee Road, which is their showhouse, this saturday evening. So excited about it !!! =D Gonna take pics and more pics and MORE PICS! But seriously i'm not really into cruising bikes.
Maybelle drew this during Econs lecture. I'm not gay!!! Urghh ..
"isn't Maybelle pretty?" says Wilson
"yes she definitely is =)" says bryan
- 7:20:00 AM;
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The day started off pretty well i guess. My first lesson was CommSk1. Got my exam script back and i think i did okay bah. Everyone was looking at my shoes la as if they're really that great. Just merely a pair of slippers wad i don't see what's so special about it. Then here come Doreen the grand who STEPPED on my birks. But its ok bah, she seems so happy doing it don't wanna scold her or anything. =)
After that was OB tutorial. My most dreadful nightmare is always during OB lessons. Its so damn fucking boring can. The teacher keeps going on and on and on and .. Just as expected i failed my paper la, plus i'm like the only one who failed. Felt so paiseh lorh, i guessed many in my class looked down la, can see from their faces. But i didn't take it to heart. =)
After that went Cheers eat cup noodles. Pity right? Nopes, actually i was rushing for time. Den attended the briefing and i saw her !!! I was like OMFG she's right there !!! I totally lost focus of the lecturer and keep stealing glances at her but the girl on her left like knew about it and she gave me the fierce look. =( She's belle's friend so can't do anything oso.
Then i walked past her at the lift. My heart was thumping so hard and fast i think my cheeks turned hot too la. *gosh I'm not kiding, i didn't fake this out it just happened by itself. Wilson suggested that we take the same lift but i think its not a very good idea, i think my presence makes her wanna puke. Worst case, we had to go to the saem classroom and she was standing there with her back facing me. I really felt like there were butterflies in my tummy la! I don't feel easy at all, and i'm really afraid that i'll create a bad impression then i'll never have a chance to talk to her. Anyway until now i still don't dare to approach her la. After like 5 mins she turned around and i think she saw me, that felt like a cannon flying right at me, i just turned my head to the floor. I don't even dare to look into her face. *sigh I can't continue already, feel so retarded and useless. In the first place she's too good for me, like the chinese saying goes "lai ha ma xiang chi tian er rou". *shakeshead
- My BCS web project is due tomorrow and Wilson is doing all the last minute work. I really love you boy, sorry for making you do all the work, tomorrow treat you dinner!
- I finished the peer evaluation for my group. I actually wanted to close one eye and just click agree for everyone but XinChyr said we have to be honest so i did quite badly for *you know who. I guess XinChyr did the same as well bah.
- I don't think i got in for the interview for IMF. So fuck it.
- I'm quite unhappy with my own face, should i go for a face change?
- I need to get prepared for my CommSk1 presentation by friday.
- I hope WenJun will reply the message i sent her on friendster. At least a NO would make me feel satisfied.
- *sigh .. .. ..
- 12:01:00 AM;
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Today is the first day of school reopening. The whole class wore formal except for me and it really feels kinda extra yet special. *giggles BCS was fun, Kathleen's group did a really fantastic job. If one day i can team with Kathleen, Felicia and MengYan i think i don't have to do anything already; and i'll get an A for that subject. (just kidding!!!) Then there was this guy next door who wore the same shirt as me. I don't see what's so funny about it but the whole class was laughing and looking at me. Then after discussing with MengYan what had to be done for OB, i took my bag and headed for door. As i was walking out i kept staring at the class next door like that bitch who kept laughing and some bloody assholes who were making fun. They didn't even dare to look back la. Fucking asses, dare to make fun of people but don't dare to look back. Kns ..
After that was IntHT lecture. It was really great. I finally get to see WenJun after 2 weeks of break. She was sitting 10 o'clock in my direction. Sigh, i don't even dare to look at her for more than 1 min la. If she finds out i'm bound to be dead. =( She looks really gorgeous in black today, side view, front view, back view, whatever view, she's still that fantastic. During that lecture there was construction going on. Damn distracting can. Don't understand why the school allows construction to take place at that point in time.
Tomorrow there's International Monetary Fund (IMF) Interview at 5pm. Wenjun ends school at 10am so i don't know whether she's going or not. Hope to see her there bah. *winks
Goodnights people ~ Sweet dreams ~ =))
- 12:56:00 AM;
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Ok that day i went shopping and i spend about $600+, yesterday all my pay started coming in le! Whee ~ Now my bank is replenished of money again, those are meant for my Aprilia so cannot touch. >.<
Yesterday i bet on Germany with my cousin. Handicapped Sweden so Germany has to score 3 goals in order that i win. But the final score is 2-0. DAMN! Anyway, i'm gonna stay home the whole day mapling and prepare for school tomorrow. Last week i was seriously looking forward to it but now .. Wells ..
Take care happy asses !!! =P
- 5:54:00 PM;
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Yesterday i finally passed my lesson 8. =) So happy yes? My test date is on the 25th July '06. Hopefully Joanne (not my classmate!), can help me find empty slots and bring forward my TP bah.
Yesterday Sheena and Sebastian were at my hse gaming sleeping and playing around. Then Wilson came over to do project, we did 1 article a;ready, quite an achivement, i think.
Previous day i went to Gina's grandfather's wake. She seems fine on the outside though. WeiKhang, YiCheng, JieYing and i went there to accompany her till 4am plus and i had to take a cab home cause my cousions were waiting for me. The cab fare is easily $20 and i'm really broke now can. =(
Gotta go now. Tonight tell you guys more bah~ Happy day! (Taken from MengYan.)
- 5:51:00 PM;
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Last night i had been very tired and so i didn't post. Anyway here it is. =)
In the afternoon i had to meet MengYan, Melissa, Wilson and Chin for OB project discussion at National Library. I was veryvery late and i think MengYan was quite upset about it. =X Well i hope this will not affect my self reflection statement ba. Discussion ended rather quickly for me cause i was late! After that Wilson, Chin and i had lunch nearby den met Melissa for lan gaming. I'm so noob can, first time play dota. I used to think that it was a stupid game but i'm kinda addicted to it already. =X Still, i'm not so intersted in online games so .. (Rather contradicting eh?)
Wilson had to leave early for work and we dismissed at about 6 plus. Afterwhich i went to grandma's hse to visit her. She's still as pretty and healthy as ever yea. =) *happyhappy I had dinner at her place and also showed my mum the suit which i bought. Actually my intention is to ask her to re-sew my buttons. *oops They're quite loose and i don't feel safe if the buttons are loose.
Headed home at about 10 plus and saw my dad and uncle at the coffeeshop below my block. Had a cup of iced-milo then rushed home to change cause i'm meeting Doreen. The time is now nearing 12am. We took a slow stroll to 888 plaza and bought an ice-cream each. Chatted on the way and she kept complaining that her ice cream is too small. Sounds like she got cheated. *laughhs
My day had been fine, not really bored, feeling normal. By the way today's date is 20/06/2006. This happens only once in a lifetime so hope you people out there had really a great day, or rather just hoped that nothing unpleasant had happened. I just realised that she changed her friendster's settings and now i cannot even send her messages. Sighhhhhhhhhhh .. Nights people.
- 11:50:00 PM;
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Today is just mad! Morning woke up at 845am cause i had to meet Wilson at 930am, in the end both of us were late! =X We went to Marina Square G2000 but it's not opened yet. Therefore we walked around window shopping. You might be wondering what are we doing there early in the morning, well, as proud supporters of FHM Mag, first 50 customers are entitled to a free shirt, isn't that just great? >.< Finally the shop opened at 1115am, a group of guys rushed in like mad dogs can, and Wilson and i were like the youngest there. *TsktSk So we got in and guess what the salesgirl said? "Any shirt, any size, go get your pick!" We were like OMG!? I thought we're given some ulu t-shirt with FHM printed on it, but NO, we're entitled to any G2000 long sleeve of any size. Everyone was so shocked and we began searching for our clothes. So Wilson and i redeemed our shirts, afterwhich i bought a set of Tuxedo for school's presentation. Wilson had to go off early to meet gf and my cousin (Sheena) is meeting me at 12pm. Knowing that there're still available slots for the shirt, i hurried her down and bought another FHM Mag. Its totally so cool can! Its like i bought 2 G2000 long sleeve shirt for just $7 each?!!! -_____-""
Cut things short: Sheena and i had lunch at Cafe Cartel PS, waited for Sebastian to arrive. Then we went to Esprit, Zara, Topman, Topshop, Birks, New Urban Male, U.R.S, BODS etc .. We kept buying till our hands were full of shopping bags la! Its been such a long time since i had this craze already. >.< Exhilarating ~
Finally stoped for dinner at Mac den went home le, anymore we'd be dead already. =X We also took neoprints at Heeren. So looking forward to end of the month, then we'll go crazy again after my pay comes in! Hurray to Singapore! We're here to boost the economy. Total spending for today: $625.40

1. While waiting for Sheena at CityHall MRT

2. My suit from G2000. Contrast a little bright, hope you guys can see =)

3. 3 Long-Sleeve shirts from G2000. The pink one has got calf links!

4. Yellow shirt from Esprit. *muackS!

5. Collared tee from TopMan x)

6. White 3 quaters from TopMan. I wanna wear my red undies with this =X

7. My birks !!! Oh gosh they're so fucking comfortable

8. S.B.S = Sheena; brYan; s3bastian

9. Sheena & Sebastian (train)

10. Just look @ the number of shopping bags !!!

11. I'm trying to act cute but unsuccessful =(

12. OoOoOoLaLa ~

13. Maybelle said she wanted to see the receipts so here they are belle ! =)
Have a nice night PEOPLE !!! *Imissyoubabe*
- 1:47:00 AM;
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Today is just fabulous. Worked at Rewards Link in Adelphi for 5 hours and earned $90. Isn't that nice? My job was to actually promote the avantage card, and no, i did not spell it wrongly, its not advantage, Simon (boss) purposely made it avantage. Quite a number of people signed up and some even bought HP Photo papers. Here comes my commission, lalala ~ I got a RewardsLink Polo Tee which no other promoters have, plus Jean will be giving me the RewardsLink jacket next week. Come on, tell me i'm special. =X
After work went down to GoGo BPP looklookseesee, then had dinner at an ulu place near BP. The food is nice though, especially the fish. =) Then i settled the bill which amounted to $107. Actually i intended to get the 5000W pure white headlight bulb for my dad's car cause he likes it but i just couldn't find them anywhere! So pek cek can. Stupid magazine promote the light bulbs but never state where i could purchase them from. How dumb can they get. One thing that spoiled my mood a little was my sis. She can't even commit one day to daddy. Fancy going out with friends instead of having dinner with someone who loves her and took care of her for the past 16 years. Idiot! Luckily daddy is still happy, if not i'll be the first to humtum you. tmd
*Rewards Link is new, previously known as Evolution Werks at Funan. Here's how the new shop looks. All the best Simon! Thank you Jean for the polo tee, looking forward to getting my jacket. =)

- 11:49:00 PM;
Tomorrow's Father's Day and mummy is sick today. Kinda funny though. =X Morning had breakfast at Tampines with daddy and wilson. Wilson is such a shy guy can, everything also scared. -_____-"" My dad paid for his drink but he said he wanted to pay me back. Till now i still see no money!!! Wilson bluff! >.<
After breakfast we had OB and RHT project discussion in the library. Its so damn boring can! My brain is squeezed dry of ideas already. I volunteered to help type out the research; i have not even opened MS Words yet, look at the time already!
My com just crashed 2 times in a row for no stupid reason. My guess is that my sis used it while i was away. How can VAIO crash for no crappy reason? If i ever catch her touching my laptop i shall make her buy a new one for me; i mean it!
Stayed home all day tidying up the living room with my dad. =) All thanks to that old hairy SCV guy. Get him to install a few new cable points and he messed up the whole living room, what a jerk, plus he didn't even bother offering his help to clean up some of the mess. *censored*
Khor is always calling me at the wrong time. I had to work from 9am to 6pm just to earn $153. Last minute Khor called me to work on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11am to 5pm, and i can earn $150. WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME EARLIER?!?!? Urghh .. Anyway i told him i could work on Sunday so its time i get dreamy. =/
Here's 2 bombom pics Wilson took of me in the library, level6 project room 9. Enjoy ~ *evilgrins* >.<

- 1:20:00 AM;
Friday, June 16, 2006
I don't know what to say. I failed my practical lesson 8 all because of one bloody instructor. Knn i hope he dies a horrible death. Next lesson is next friday.
Today is my last day at work, got my pay le but no mood for shopping. Tia bought MaTiShu for me. Pretty nice. And not to mention barley from Killiney, sweet.
I'm going to bed already, maybe not, anw i'm off.
- 11:24:00 PM;
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Last night i slept at 530am and i had to wake up at 7am so wad do you think? I went to Changi Airport Terminal 1 last night to welcome back my friend. He was away for 6months in Taiwan having Army training. Plane touched down at 130am by the time we reach home it was 3+, went for "breakfast" till 5 and that's why i slept at 530.
Work today was alright. =) Went to Aglio Olio with Tia. We had pasta and mussels as side dish, and lemonade. =D Splendid meal and pricing also quite reasonable. But i doubt i'll be coming back again due to the location. Blog again tonight, gotta continue with my data entry le. ciaO ~
< ----- break ----- >
Back dude! Gee .. After work went PS look for dad. Headed to far east and i bought a new watch! Oh yeah so happy now =D Work had been very tough, everyday key in "Fashion Fast Forward" customers' particulars, make me drool can. Funny thing is i came across Glenn Ong's receipt today, yes, that Perfect10 DJ. LOL After buying watch went to lucky plaza. My wanton mee shop close le. *faints So we went to Taka and had Tori Q for dinner. At the same time daddy went to check out how Taka GoGo was doing. Hmm, today's sales pretty fine. =) Had coffee and grass jelly dessert at Killiney (the one behind Youth Park) den headed to BPP collect today's sales and now i'm home ~ So tired i need my beauty sleep already. Goodnights! Hope to see you on monday girl. And why didn't you reply me in friendster? =(

- 2:34:00 PM;
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
So far so good, i started my day right by having breakfast with daddy at BK. He got a new project that'll earn him 10K in the next couple of weeks. =D Does that mean he'll pay for my bike?? *ponder Just kidding, he dun really like me to bike so i don't think he'll pay for my Aprilia.
Took a train down to SSDC, i was almost late! But i was lucky Roslee took me today. He's really a nice instructor, just that he loves to distract me by talking about my 1.5K Tag Heuer Watch. I didn't pay for it can, don't get it why people are so shocked. Went 2 round of road revision and ... I PASSED my lesson 7! xD To get things better, Joanne is working at the counter today, immediately she help me booked the next practical lesson which is this coming friday 16th June at 850pm.
No work today so i'm home packing my room and help to wash dad's clothes. Will upload my neat & tidy room later. =)
*Khor, sorry i can't help you out with the roadshow this friday, i'm working at Amoy Street. Hope you find another promoter soon. Cheers!
- 1:47:00 PM;
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Alright, since the last blog was so much trouble and hassle, i shall start over again.
Right now alone at home puffing away and thinking of you. Just found your blog yesterday & i can see that you're really too good for me? I remember the first time i saw you, its like passing any other ordinary objects, but soon after you seem to be the reason that motivates me to go sch. Each morning i hear the sound of my alarm i'll press snooze and continue lazing away, then the thought of you made me wake up again. Especially on those days where there are tutorials and i know i have a higher chance of seeing you. Sigh, my life sucks, i suck too - I'll just admire you discreetly .. secretly .. quietly ..
Anyways, things aren't that bad though. I'm having my practical lesson 7 tomorrow morning. *gee So excited about it. Very very soon i'll be able to get my Aprilia. Very very soon i don't have to worry about transport anymore. & very very soon i'll be admitted to the hospital. =)
Today is just fucked up. Quarrelled with my classmate over her own mistake and she demands that i say sorry before i can continue with the project. As usual, hack the project, take my bag and left. I seriously don't get it: That time when i said there was no progress in her work, that she had been spending too much precious time blogging and not prioritizing her work, she rebutted that it's her own time, she can do the things that she wants. I said that at that point of time because i had seen the work she'd done, merely changing of layout and fonts. Then amazingly she changed it again and this time she really did put in effort to get alot of other areas done. Somehow something got into her and without showing us what she'd done, she decides to get angry with Wilson and I. She throws everything to us and said that since we say she never do anything then now we do ourselves. Forget it, i don't entertain irresponsible people.
- My cigarettes are running out very soon.
- My friend spoiled my hp protective screen
- My lighter is running out of gas
- I saw a nice watch at bugis, gotta check it out at far east about the price
- I rarely eat these days
- I'm still thinking of you
- 11:14:00 PM;